Chapter 2:Anniversary

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Izuku's POV:

I wake up to my alarm going off right next to me on my nightstand. I sleepily turn it off and roll over onto my back. I stare at the ceiling for a moment and blink the sleep from my eyes. I sit up and look around. My calendar catches my eye. Shit. It's Kacchan and my anniversary. I curse and get out of bed quickly. I check my phone. He's texted me a few times. I open the messages. 

Texts Start Here:

Puppy:Happy anniversary or whatever. 

Puppy:How the hell are you not awake? 

Izuku:Happy anniversary. I slept in. Sorry. 

Puppy:Don't apologize dumbass. 

Izuku:Right. Do you want to go catch a movie or something?

Puppy:I'd rather be alone with you. 

Izuku:I wouldn't be opposed to that. Do you want to just come over? We can drink and watch a movie or something. 

Puppy:Yeah. I'll be over in about five minutes. 

Izuku:Alright. Love you. 

Puppy:Love you too. 

Texts End Here

I go take a quick shower and get dressed. I'm wearing a pair of nice jeans and a dark grey button down shirt. I check the time real quick. It's about lunchtime. I quick go to the kitchen and make food for Kacchan and I. I just make something simple because I'd rather save the fancier stuff for dinner. Kacchan gets here when I'm about halfway through making food. He leans against the counter. I glance back at him. 

"Hey Puppy. I didn't hear you come in."I say. 

"Hey. Of course you didn't. You never do."

"Don't be like that."

"What are you gonna do? Spank me?"

"If you say shit like that again, yes."

"You wouldn't."

"You're adorable."

I finish making food. When I'm done I put it on plates for us and carry it to the living room. He follows close behind me. We sit on the couch and eat. He sits in my lap. I smile. 

"Whatcha doing Puppy?"I tease. 

"Sitting on you because I can."

"It's kinda hot."

"Of course it is. I'm the one doing it."

I chuckle. He stifles a laugh and eats quietly. We just sit in comfortable silence and eat our food. When we're done he takes our dishes to the sink. 

"You didn't have to do that."I say. 

"Shut up and let me be nice before I stop doing so."

"Alright then."

He comes back over and sits in my lap again. This time he's facing me. 

"You're adorable."I say. 

"No. I'm hot."

"You're both."


He kisses me a few times. I smile and rest my hands on his waist. 

"You're such a dork. We've been together eight years you shouldn't get flustered when I kiss you."He says.

"Given our past it's still a bit surprising that you want to do it at all."

"Turns out I don't hate you."

"Trust me I know. The way you kiss me says a lot."

"Does it though?"

"Why don't you kiss me again and let me make sure?"

He smirks slightly at that then kisses me again. I smile against his lips. 

"I love you."I say. 

"I love you too."

"So what do you wanna do?"

"Cuddle and listen to a movie while we make out. I haven't seen you in a fucking week. Not for long enough to do anything. Just long enough for you to drop lunch off or whatever."

"We can do that. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

I smile and grab the TV remote off the coffee table. I put on some random movie. Then he gets up for a minute. I lay down. He sits between my legs facing me and lays on my chest. I wrap my arms around him. He kisses me. I  just lean into it. We make out for the whole movie. Surprisingly enough we stay clothed. When we pull away he rests his forehead on mine. I smile. 

"Happy anniversary Puppy."I say quietly. 

"Happy anniversary."

He kisses me a few more times. Then he lays his head on my chest again. Another movie starts playing. We actually watch it and cuddle. About midway through we end up falling asleep.  

A/N:I know this is short. But I will be posting like three chapters at a time. I have quite a few ideas. I really hope you enjoyed. This was actually quite fun to write. There's definitely more coming. See you in the next chapter. Thank you so so so much for reading. And have a wonderful day! :D

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