Chapter 12:Fucking Finally!

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Izuku's POV:

Katsuki and I have been dating for about seven years now. And for the past six months I've been thinking about finally proposing. Of course because I couldn't not overthink things if it killed me I keep trying to give myself reasons not to. But today I finally bought a ring. We go on dates every Saturday anyway so I do have the opportunity. This weekend though he's just coming over here for dinner and a movie. 

I set the ring in my nightstand drawer then go to my kitchen. It's about 3pm right now so I start working on making dinner. I try to make something at least mildly fancy. The whole time I'm making dinner I'm trying not to talk myself out of actually proposing. My phone rings. I answer it and put it on speaker. 

"Hello?"I say. 

"Hey."Katsuki says on the other end of the phone. 

"Oh hi Puppy. What's up?"

"I know dinner's not for another like two hours but can I come over anyway?"

"You don't have to ask."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Just making sure."

"I'll be over in a minute. I have to drop something off at a friend's house first."

"Okay Puppy. I love you."

"I love you too."

"See you in a bit."


Katsuki hangs up. I quickly go to my room and get changed into actual clothes. I just put on a pair of nice jeans and a dark green button down shirt. Then I take the ring out of my nightstand and slip it in my pocket. Then I go back to cooking. About ten minutes later there's a knock on my door. I go over to the front door and answer it. I see Katsuki standing there. I smile and just step out of the doorway. He comes in. 

"What are you all dressed up for?"He asks. 

"Just felt like it."

"You look good."

"Thanks. So do you."

"I know."

I shut the front door then go back to making dinner. He comes over. 

"Holy shit. You're really pulling out all the stops for tonight. Any particular reason or just because you want to?"He says. 

"Just because I want to."

He smiles. I turn around and pick him up. I set him on the counter next to me. Then I kiss him a few times. He watches me cook. It takes about an hour and a half for me to finish making dinner. Once it's done I plate everything and take the plates to the coffee table. Then I grab the bottle of wine I bought last night specifically for this out of the fridge. I also grab two wine glasses. I set the glasses and the bottle on the coffee table. Katsuki gets down off the counter. Then we both sit down on the couch. I pour us each a glass of wine. We each pick up our plates and start eating. 

"I think this is the fanciest meal I can remember you making."He says. 


"I can't shake the feeling there's a reason for it though."

"Guess you'll just have to find out."

"Or you could just say it."

"Mmm tempting. Nope."


He takes a sip of his wine. Once we're done eating I go set our plates in the sink. 

"Puppy would you come here real quick?"I ask. 


Katsuki gets up and comes over to me. I get down on one knee. He covers his mouth. 

"You're not about to- Izu- I-"He stammers. 

I just smile and take the ring out of my pocket. I open the ring box. His face goes bright red. 

"Katsuki Bakugou will you do me the honor of being my husband?"I ask. 


I smile and slip the ring on his finger. Then he tackles me and kisses me hard. I wrap my arms around him tight. 

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