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WC: 901
Date: May 6th 2021

Daniel woke up at 9am, laying on the couch in the back of the bus. his head felt like it as pounding. he felt weak. he felt like shit. his eyes slowly opened as a groan left his lips. the light from the sun pierced through the window, only making Daniels head ache worse. "fuck.." he got up and walked out of the room, seeing the whole band right away.

"hey.." Daniel whispered. he knew they were disappointed in him. he knew he fucked up when he took that drink. Corbyn was the first to run up to him and hug him. the boy buried his head in his chest. "woah." Daniel caught him and slithered his arms around Corbyns waist.

"what the fuck happened to you yesterday! we were worried sick." Corbyn said in a loud tone while pushing him away. Daniel winced. "please don't yell." yeah, yelling wouldn't help his head. Corbyn felt bad immediately. "sorry."

"it's fine I just uh- I'm sorry about yesterday.. I just got in an argument with my parents and I know I told you guys I wouldn't drink but I didn't know what else to do. I hate myself for it and I hate that I upset you all. I can't.." he sighed and sat on the couch. "I can't do it anymore, I feel like I can't be happy. there's my family and the internet. I broke."

the whole band felt bad. Jack hugged him and said, "it's okay Daniel.. just know we're here for you." everyone nodded in agreement. Daniel quickly changed the subject, not wanting it to get awkward. "anyways what's the plan today?"

"well we have an interview and also have to look at the edits for the album cover, but you can't do anything, just rest okay?" Jonah said and went to get some water. Daniel rolled his eyes. "no come on guys I'm fine, just a little head ache but nothing a few pain meds can't fix." Jonah handed him the water and went to the washroom to get the meds.

"no, absolutely not."

"please, I need this. I will be okay, I promise. if I start feeling bad I will let you know." Daniel really did not want to think about any of the drama going on in his life so he needed this. Zach sighed. "okay, fine. just promise to tell one of us if somethings wrong?" the blond happily nodded and swallowed the meds with some water.

"well we have to go in like an hour so come on, get ready." Jonah demanded. and with that they all got up and went into different directions. Daniel was the first to get to the shower. everyone else already took a shower so it didn't matter. everyone got dressed and by the time they were finished, Daniel was also done.

he got out of the washroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, his wet abs clearly showing. Corbyn found himself staring. he was a deep red. "sorry I forgot to get my clothes." Jack immediately looked at Corbyns face, chuckling when he saw the reaction.

Daniel walked to the back, leaving Corbyn flustered and the others just surprised. right as he left the room, Zach said, "that was hot not gonna lie.. he would top all of us. someone had to say it." Jack laughed and agreed quickly, "oh yeah for sure."

they laughed at them selves and how stupid they sounded. Jonah heard his phone go off and checked what it was. "oh shit, the interview got moved up.. it's in 10 minutes. we have to go!" Jonah got up and grabbed his coat.

"what about Daniel?" Corbyn asked. Jonah thought a bit while Zach and Jack got up. "you wait for him, me, Zach and Jack will go to the interview area and hold them off a bit. I'll text you the address." Corbyn nodded and watched as the three left.

it only took around two minutes for Daniel to get dressed. he came out of the back with his hand stroking his wet hair wearing some baggy ripped jeans with a black shirt that had some words on it. Corbyn had to say, he looked so hot. "where's the others?"

Corbyn snapped out of it and said, "the interview got pushed up so we have to go now." Daniel frowned. he pulled his hand away from his hair. "my hair is still wet. I'll just get a beanie, hold on." so he ran to the back and got a black beanie quickly. "alright let's go." he said and grabbed his shoes.

Corbyn followed. Daniel looked back at Corbyn and noticed something. "is that my favourite hoodie? I was wondering where it went.." a smirk took over his face while Corbyns turned red.

"uh yeah sorry I just couldn't find mines and I saw this lying there so-"

"it's fine. you look cute."

Corbyn became flustered. "don't say shit like that! it's weird," everything he said was a complete lie. first, he loved the fact Daniel called him cute and second, he didn't just see Daniels lying there. he chose to wear it. he saw it and immediately felt the need to put it in and he loved it. he loved how it smelt like the older boy. it put him in ecstasy.

"yeah, yeah, come on now."

ok ok ok before anyone says anything, next chapter is smut so ;)

~-~-~-~ ok ok ok before anyone says anything, next chapter is smut so ;)

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