
296 11 2

WC: 544
TW: a tad bit sexual?
Date: May 21st 2021

the two were happier then they have ever been. of course, that night they both slept together. how could they not? new couple, they had to enjoy it. that was probably the best sleep they got in a while. the next morning was even better. it was like a fairytale. Corbyn woke up to the feeling of Daniels lips on his neck. "mphm.." Daniel pulled away and looked at him with a smile. "good morning, my beautiful boy."

I could get used to this..

Corbyn thought and smiled back. "good morning!" both got out of their bunk. Corbyn walked over to the kitchen, wearing nothing but boxers and one of Daniels over sized shirts. that mixed with his fluffy, messy brown hair and adorable smile made the blond go crazy. he just loved the smaller so much, it was almost toxic. Corbyn grabbed two bowls, "cereal?" Daniel could barley focus on the words. but he did answer, "uh no it's okay.." Corbyn shrugged and put one of the bowls away. Daniel watched Corbyn get the cereal and put it in his bowl along with the milk.

he didn't understand why but everything Corbyn did mesmerized him.

after a few minutes, he kind of lost control. he moved behind Corbyn, making sure to push his crotch against his ass. his arms wrapped around the brunet. Corbyn froze, flustered. "Dani-" Daniel cut his train of thought off by moving his hands up Corbyns shirt, touching and caressing the smooth, silky skin. "you're very pretty, y'know." the smaller blushed, getting weak under Daniels embrace. "someone is gonna see us Daniel." the blond didn't care. what could he say? Corbyn was just irresistible. "sh~ just enjoy it baby."

Corbyn threw his head back onto Daniels shoulder while Daniel kissed his neck and played with his nipple. little whimpers and pants left Corbyns mouth. "D-Daniel-" Corbyn got cut off by a specific band mate, "oh, what the fuck!" Jonah yelled out. Daniel shot his head up and pulled his hand out of the smallers shirt while Corbyn looked at Jonah, embarrassed. "Jo look-"

"look, it was gonna happen eventually so
I'm not even surprised but you are wasting perfectly good cereal so."

the couple was so happy Jonah was cool with it. at this point, they just had to tell Zach. and speak of the devil, Zach woke up a few minutes later. "Zach! hey, good morning." Daniel said. Jonah watched Daniel talk. he was trying not to laugh. Corbyns face was a bright red. he didn't say anything, letting Daniel do all the talking. "hey, what's up with Corbyn? you look red, are you okay?"

"oh," Daniel looked at Corbyn and pulled him closer, holding one arm around him. "so about that. me and Corbs are actually dating now, I guess?" Daniel finished talking and examined Zachs face. he didn't look to fazed by it. "oh I'm so surprised." the youngest said sarcastically. Daniel laughed. both boys actually really appreciated their reactions. the way they were just cool with it gave them so much comfort. Corbyn only blushed harder and stuff his face into Daniels chest.

everyone laughed. Daniel kissed his head and smiled.. god was he lucky.


sorry for the short chapters, just don't rlly know what else to write

sorry for the short chapters, just don't rlly know what else to write

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ps, this man is fine af

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