Chapter Two

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-Chapter Two-

The White hall in Sanctorium was filled with many heavenly beings.

The civilian Angelics and the Angels stood by as an audience, as they watched the high ranked officers of the Secondaries and the Primaries debate on their plans of the Light Army against the Abaddon's fierce creatures.

The shouting of countless Angels arguing created a big echoing roar that could be heard across the city of Celestial.

The hall was lighted by the floors which circles that towered high and around the middle there seated a huge kingly like throne for Messiah.

He can barley be seen because of the bright luminous light that came off him.

" We need to build an army to save districts 11,10,9, 8, 7, and 6! We cannot leave them to Lucifers torment! We must act now!!" shouts Ezzeral heartily who was the acting general of the Secondary unit.

"No!" argued Arathaine head of the Primary unit.

" We must hold our defenses here, Earth, and Rizon! We can not afford to send the Light army across six districts!"

The two units argued against each other and the hall was filled with noise.

Messiah stands and the roaring sound comes to a complete stop.

"We must find the Third Guardian in Rizon."

The hall was silent.

"Sir the guardians have been working hard on fighting the Shadow army in Rizon. And last we heard, the Third Guardian, Naie, has been missing for five years."

Messiah's light laminates the room with a big burst of light.

" Her soul shard is still in tact with her spirit. She is out there somewhere. And we need to find her"

The crowd continues the arguments of the ways to prevent Lucifer's war and chaos to the twelve worlds .

A young man with v shaped wings dressed all in white with long almost white blonde hair that is tided up in a low knot turns to exit the White Hall.

"Rowen" called Mistu from one of the taller spaces. A girl dressed in blue and long midnight hair runs up to him. Rowen turns to face Mitsu.

"Where are you going? The counsel isn't done with the meeting yet.."

Rowen grunted

" This meeting will be like the past hundred meetings we have had Mitsu, pointless and not any closer to solving the Armageddon problem. "

He looks at Mitsu with her ocean blue eyes fixated on Rowens expression.

"I am going to go find the lost Guardian."

"Rowen you are only an Angelic messenger and not even a good one, what makes you think you can find this Guardian?? "

Rowen scowls at Mitsu's remark.

"Simple. I've been thinking about it and I think I know why everyone cant find her. What if the soul shard is masked by another?"

"How would it be masked by another??"

"What if her soul was linked to another persons soul?"

"Well ...That isn't possible unless both soul shards are incomplete."

Rowen grins "Exactly" then he walks off down the corridor.

" Wait Rowen! What are talking about that is impossible! There is no way of a soul being incomplete!!"

"No it's not"

Rowen walks down the steps Of the grand hall.

"Mitsu when a being dies its soul goes to the place of all origin ,the Sanctuary, right? Well there are also the Shadow beings in Rizon that creep into other worlds using the evil corridors hidden in people's hearts. Shadows feed on souls."

" I already know all this Rowen. I graduated in higher class than you remember?"

Rowen gives Mitsu a look.

" Well what if Naie died and she attached her soul to a person who was being devoured by a shadow at that exact moment?"

" That's still unheard of.."

Rowen purchases a temporary ticket to the second district.

"Yes I guess it is a long shot. But while everyone was looking in Rizon I found a small signal from Earth."

He walks on to the train that boarded the station with Mistu following after.

"I'll be back with the shard" he smiles at Mitsu .

"You are going to get in trouble Rowen you know messengers are only supposed to help those in other worlds not seek out personal quests!"

"I won't get in trouble because you got my back" Rowen smiled a sheepish grin.

She returned with a you-are-the-stupidest-person-i-know-i-dont-know-how-could-you-be-right-about-this, kind if look.

"You have a week otherwise I have to turn you in."

"Long enough."

As the train pulled away, just to get on Mitsu's nerves, Rowen waved goodbye and asked for good luck.

Then the train Faded across the wide purple sky.

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