2. Such a peculiar day~

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Annyeonghaseyo! Sorry for the delay! It was the last week of acads and exams so I wasn't able to update. But don't worry! It's already my summer vacation and expect regular or weekly updates! I'm really sorry for the delay.

Hongbin at the side>>>

P.S. There will be a new character here!!! 


Da Eun's P.O.V

Wow... I can't believe I'm here. We're only 2 GIRLS in this classroom. And there are 6 GUYS. How did she even handle being with 6 teenage guys? Oh well... I guess I have to be used to it.

I was taking notes when Hongbin suddenly whisperd.

"Da Eun-ssi, are you gonna come with us during lunch?"

"I don't know. I might eat here in the classroom."

"Well, for starters, no one's allowed to eat in the classroom. And don't worry. We have a table for us top class students." Wow the perks of being in this class.

"Hmmm. Arasso. I'll join you guys." I said as I directed my focus on Ms. Choi.

------AFTER AN HOUR-----

"Okay, class dismissed." Ms. Choi said as the bell rang.

I fixed my things and started going towards the door when Ken and the girl linked arms with me.

"KAJA!" They both screamed at my ears. 

"That hurts you know guys?" I said to them as they rubbed their necks sheepishly.

"Hehehe mianhae Da Eun-ssi." Ken said as he did aegyo. He's so cute!!!

"Yeah mianhae."  The girl said to me.

"Oh! Anyways, I'm Da Hee! I hope we can be good friends!" Ohhhh that's her name.

"Ah ne! I'm Da Eun! Nice to meet you! And of course we can be friends!" I said and I started chatting with her.

We were walking towards the cafeteria when Ken suddenly popped out from the lockers!

"YAH KEN! What's wrong with you popping so suddenly?!" Da Hee exclaimed while holding her chest and breathing heavily.

"You guys left me! T_T" Ken whined and fake-cried. Wow, is he really my age?

"Yah, quit your whining. I wanna be friends with her since I got sick of you guys." Woah, calm down Da Hee.

"You don't love me anymore???" Ken asked as he was about to cry again.

I was just watching them when a guy suddenly approached us. Seriously, where are they coming from popping out of nowhere?

"Yah, Ken, quit your blabbering, arasseo? You're already old and you act like this." He said and glared at Ken. Wow, he's so cold. I suddenly felt shivers running down my spine because of him.

He and Da Hee can make a good couple tho.

Ken then ran towards me and clung to me like a monkey and said, "WAAHH!! NOONA! LEO HYUNG WAS SO MEAN TO ME! AND DA HEE NOONA DOESN'T LOVE ME!!!"

Wait, NOONA?!

"Ken, I'm not your noona. I think you're even older than me." Seriously, what's this guy's age anyways?

"You don't love me too?" Ken said to me and did puppy eyes. Can someone help me?

"Yah, Ken stop it. Anyways, why don't we go inside and eat?" A guy with tan skin said.

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