7. Silent treatment~

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Woohooo! Finally updated for more than a month! This is just short since I'm trying to sort things out. And school is near and I'm already freaking out. I'm really sorry for the long delay :(((

Also, BELATED HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY OF VIXX! I was planning on eating chicken for them but my family went out yesterday :((( Good thing I was able to do something :))) "13 reasons why you should love VIXX" hehehe

To commemorate, here's a GIF of them :))) *this is what happens when you see your crush hehehe*



I approached them and grabbed N hyung by the collar.

"Hongbin! What are you doing?!"


Hyuk's P.O.V

I was talking to Ravi hyung and Da Hee noona when we heard N hyung shout.

"Hongbin! What are you doing?!"

This hyung is obvious,  jeongmal.


"Yah! Hajima!"

Woo! Ken hyung saved the day!

Me, Ravi hyung and Leo hyung quickly approached them and separated the two. Da Eun noona was being consoled by Da Hee noona.

"Hongbin, what's wrong with you?" Leo hyung scolded his dongsaeng.

Hongbin hyung remained silent.

"Yah, Hongbin, speak up. What's going on?" Ken hyung spoke.

He still kept silent.

"Don't give us the silent treatment." Ravi hyung said.

"Spit it out, Hongbin." Da Hee noona coldly implied.

The room suddenly felt cold. 

After a moment, N hyung spoke.

"Are you gonna say anything?" Wow, this is the first time N hyung is cold to his dongsaeng.

Hongbin finally responded.

"It was nothing." 

Wait, what?!

"Yah, hyu—-"

"You call that nothing?!?!?!"

Da Eun's P.O.V

I was shocked by what Hongbin did. Good thing Ken stopped him.

Everyone was trying to make him speak.

"Hongbin, what's wrong with you?" Leo harshly spoke.


 "Yah, Hongbin, speak up. What's going on?" Ken spoke.


 "Don't give us the silent treatment." Ravi said.


"Spit it out, Hongbin." Da Hee coldly implied.


There was a moment of silence until N spoke.

"Are you gonna say anything?" 

I looked at Hongbin and saw him shaking his head.

He finally spoke.

"It was nothing."

I suddenly snapped when he said that.

"Yah, hyu—-"

"You call that nothing?!" 

Everyone suddenly looked at me, surprised. I'm surprised myself, too.

"Noona, calm down." The maknae tried to console me.

"How can I calm down when he was going to hit his hyung?! Tell me, Hongbin, why are you like this?! Huh?!"

Hongbin tried to speak but I cut him off.

"You changed, really. You became distant with me and N and now, you're gonna treat your hyung like that?! I can survive not talking to you, I can survive with all the awkwardness between us. But if you hurt any one of them, I swear I don't ever want to see you again."

Hongbin's P.O.V

 "How can I calm down when he was going to hit his hyung?! Tell me, Hongbin, why are you like this?! Huh?!"

I got shocked when Da Eun spoke like that.

I tried to answer her, but I don't know what to say.

"You changed, really. You became distant with me and N and now, you're gonna treat your hyung like that?! I can survive not talking to you, I can survive with all the awkwardness between us. But if you hurt any one of them, I swear I don't ever want to see you again." She said and walked out. N hyung followed her.

Those words made  me want the earth to swallow me.

The room became silent.

Everyone looked at me with sadness in their eyes.

I can't look at them.

I exited the room and left school. 

I was looking for some place to think and saw a park a bit far from school. 

I sat down under the tree and sorted things out.

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