Daughter of Anubis

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KeketDaughter of Anubis

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Daughter of Anubis

Age :18Height: 5'7"Blood: part goddess part human

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Age :18
Height: 5'7"
Blood: part goddess part human.
Egyptian from her father and her mother bit a little but of greek from mother's side.
(Due to when greek took over at some point in history)

Pansexual (depend on rp)

Personally: loving and caring. She is realy respectful to others even through she was treated like a slave.(more into that later)

Only has one family and that is her mother
She has a hobby for gardening when she has the time from of building from the rich.
Likes: animals, history, cooking, music

Dislikes: watching her mother struggle to get by. Watching the rich hurt the slaves/the poor for doing a mistake.

Fears: losing her mother, that one day she will get punished

Bad habbits: a little naive. And some times do some dump acts to help get someone out of something. (Like of a slave did something wrong she would try to help them fox it before their supervisor)

Because she doesnt know her father is anubis. she sometimes gets heart pains. Because She has not fully locked who she is.

She is fast runner do to she is really light in weight. Due to her father she gets a feeling knowing when someone will join the land of the dead.

She isnt every strong. When she over works herself she gets heart pains.

When she unlocks the fact that she is a goddess and a princess of a forgotten royalty. She can do any spell of the book of the dead and the book of ra.

She looks into a lover that would care about her and not use her as a slave.

Looks when she finds out who is really is

Looks when she finds out who is really is

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If smut.
She is a bottom
Yes: teasing, neck biting, behind
No: pain and choking

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