The Worst

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People say that the worst feeling is when you feel someone you love slipping away. You can feel the distance but can't do anything to stop it from happening. But their wrong. The worst feeling is not knowing. You can't feel them slipping away,  yet at the same time you know you aren't like you used to be. One moment everything is perfect, on cloud nine. And the next it's as if you are strangers, never having been close. It's the mixed signals that leave you confused and heart broken. Your heart shattering into millions of pieces only to be picked back up and glued together, then just as the glue dries it's dropped all over again only this time it's broken into smaller pieces. And this happens until the only thing you have left is the dust of love or feelings that you use to have. You can no longer feel the pain because you felt it so much that it has turned into a numbness that you can't seem to get rid of and you're left praying on a God you didn't previously believe in or a shooting star that you used to ignore as it flashed across the sky. Because you'd do anything including going against everything you used to be, just to feel something even if the only feeling that comes is pain.

My own work! All rights belong to me.

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