Lost In Depression

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I hear your voice, but the silence is louder than your sound. I can hear your voice but its as if all the words you are speaking are mushed together. Static.

I look into your eyes, but instead of the light that I'm so used to residing there I see a beautiful canvas painted over with dull colors. The beauty still there just a darker shade. A shadow of what used to be.

I look at your lips. Where a smile, wider than the ocean, once claimed home. That smile has long been washed away by the salty ocean within your soul. Your still perfect lips remain but they are colder than ice, unmoving. The shape of a crescent moon placed incorrectly in a child's coloring page.

I try to reach your heart. The one that was once so big that it could carry the whole world. The one that beat faster than the speed of light at the thought of love. The one that now has lost its passion. The beat, no longer playing along to it's own rhythm. As if has forgotten the notes.

I try to break you out of the daze you are in but nothing I do can put your heart back in tune, to put the smile one your face, the life in your eyes, the meaning into your words. My anger boils over! How could you leave me! I swing at you, My fist making contact but only managing to break the mirror.

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