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Hey everyone! I'm sorry for taking so long, I've kinda lost my drive to write with everything going on. Anyway, I saw this one thing on Pinterest that inspired this oneshot and I knew I had to write it down. Please enjoy Four Things I Need to Tell You.

It was late. The crew was tired, the cast was spent. Everyone was hungry because they worked straight through lunchtime. Leo turned his head to catch the sun sinking over his shoulder, a few stars already showing on the darkening sky.

He breathed deeply and kept on walking.

Kate was sitting on a bench nearby, open script by her side spilling with sticky notes. They had to admit- this third movie they chose to do together wasn't easy and it certainly wasn't anything like their previous ones.

She was tying her shoelaces, putting on her usual sneakers after taking off her character's slightly-heeled ballet flats.

She didn't notice Leo coming until he was standing right in front of her, blocking the last rays of sunlight that she was using to see what she was doing.

"Hey," she said vaguely, tiredly. She didn't need to look up to know it was him- she knew his shoes and his absurdly old jeans.

"Hi," he replied, rooted to the spot. A second went by, then another one.

When he didn't move, she raised her head. A strand of hair fell from behind her ear and she pushed it away bluffly, looking at him with questioning eyes.

"I- Uh... I've gotta talk to you." He hid his hands in his pockets and she thought it strange.

"Alright, sit. What's up?" She moved to make space for him on the bench, but he didn't sit. Her eyebrows furrowed as she started thinking something was wrong.

"It's nothing bad," he answered her silent question. "I just feel better standing here..."

Kate shrugged, leaning forward a bit to pay attention. He swallowed. Hard.

"Kate, I... Uh..." Leo fiddled with his belt loops now, shifting uncomfortably on his heels. He suddenly stopped, shaking his head. "I've gotta get this out and you're either going to hate me or-"

"Fuck, Leo, what is it? Come on. You know you can talk to me about anything. Don't you trust me?" She put a hand out and touched his forearm, brushing her thumb across his skin softly.

"I do. I do trust you. Immensely. Shit, this is bullshit. I sound like a teenager. Listen. There are four things I need to tell you and I have to say them now. Yes, I counted them. I just did. And you can't interrupt me."

Kate nodded slowly, wondering, in the back of her mind, if she was going to regret not leaving the set earlier.

"Go on, then." She took her hand back and settled on the bench, giving him a warm look.

"Here goes nothing," he sighed, mostly to himself. "There are four things that I should've told you a long time ago, but I didn't. So I'm going to. Now. Number one: You know everything about me. Every disgusting, embarrassing detail. I like to think that I know everything about you, too, but I still may not. Regardless of that, I love everything I do know."

Kate's eyes softened and she was about to speak when he put a hand up.

"Number two: I would do anything for you. And I mean anything at all. Anything in this world. I would stand in the same place forever if you said 'please don't go.'" Leo's hand shook as he spoke, making Kate's lower lip tremble.

Part of her couldn't believe he was saying what she was hearing, the other part of her knowing she had to let him finish.

"Number t- three," Leo stuttered. "Being around you makes me the happiest I ever am. I love how we fit together, I love how your scent lingers when you hug me. But I'm scared to get too close to you, because I could forget how to be alone, and the thought of ever being without you breaks me in half."

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