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Once Allison had finished cooking, she brought the plate with the stack of pancakes to the table, pushing aside the clutter to make enough room. She then took a seat next to Billy, while Max lowered herself into the chair at the far end of the table.

In complete silence, they filled their plates and then took turns passing around the bottle of syrup. As they began to eat, Allison was unable to ignore the unspoken tension between Billy and Max, realizing that it was up to her to initiate a conversation. 

"So, Max! How are things between you and Lucas?", she asked, directing all of her attention towards the young red-headed girl, who was shoving large bites of food into her mouth as quickly as she could. At the mention of Lucas's name Billy tensed up, and Max glanced anxiously in his direction, before answering Allison's question.

"Um. Fine. He's a great friend.", Max shrugged, earning a look of confusion from Allison. 

Billy can't know that I'm dating Lucas. He'll be so angry. Please!

"Oh...uh...that's good to hear. For the record, I think that you two would make an adorable couple.", Allison said cheerfully, acknowledging Max's panicked thoughts. "Don't you think Billy?", she asked, placing her hand on Billy's upper thigh to get his attention.

"Hm? Sure. Whatever.", he mumbled, making it clear that he didn't want to participate in the conversation.

"Lucas is a great guy.", she continued, trying her best to convince him as Max sat nearby, nervously fidgeting with her hands.

"No offense, but I don't give a shit about Maxine or who she spends her time with, as long as it doesn't bother me!", Billy snapped, slamming his fist down on the table, startling both girls. 

"That's bullshit! I can read minds, remember?", Allison shot back, prompting Billy to let out an exasperated sigh and drop his shoulders in defeat.

"Hold on! He knows about your powers?", Max blurted out, her eyes going wide with disbelief.

"Yes. I told him everything.", Allison replied calmly.

"Are you sure that you can trust him?", she pried, earning a glare from Billy and a soft smile from Allison.

"Of course! After all, he's a great friend.", Allison answered, winking at Max. Billy slowly turned his head, locking eyes with Allison, his expression softening as she reached up to caress the side of his face. Max watched the pair from her seat, witnessing a vulnerable side of Billy that she had never seen before. 

It didn't take long for Billy to snap out of it, remembering that he and Allison weren't alone. He quickly tore his eyes away from hers and moved out of her grasp. Trying to brush off the moment that they had just shared, he returned to his pancakes, refusing to look up from his plate. Allison and Max exchanged amused grins, before picking up their own forks and beginning to eat again.


Max was the first to get up from the table, carrying her empty plate to the sink and carefully placing it inside. She whispered a quiet "thank you" in Allison's direction and then left the kitchen, her footsteps carrying down the hallway until her bedroom door could be heard closing behind her. Allison turned in her chair to face Billy, who appeared deep in thought, his hands folded on top of the table. 

"Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?", she asked quietly, placing her hand down on top of his. Allison's voice was enough to pull Billy away from his thoughts, as he slowly turned to face her. Her eyes filled with worry, as they scanned over the expression on his face, trying to understand it.

"You didn't do anything wrong, and I get that you can't always control it, but I really wish you'd stop using your powers against me. It isn't fair that you can get inside my head so easily, when I'll never know what's going on inside of yours.", Billy explained, trying to hide his frustration.

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