Chapter Nine

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Evelyn's POV

"No, so now she's trying to punish me by giving all of my stunts to this eighty pound freshman. Fine. Go ahead. You really think that she can lift Melanie Opstad's fat ass into pyramid formation?" Jess asks causing Zach, Bryce, Justin, and I to laugh

"She's fucking fat! I mean, really, good luck!" She adds as we all continue to laugh

"Your coach is such a bitch." Bryce says

"She's actually cool as long as people show up to practice." I say

"Oh!" The boys say

"Alright. It's cheerleading, it's not saving lives." Jess says

"Anyone down for a little pick-me-up?" She asks as she pulls a purple bottle out of her bag before taking sip of the contents and she scrunches her face up

"Ah, shit." Jess says with giggle as Justin takes the bottle and sniffs it

"Is this vodka?" Justin asks

"Kay, since when do you drink at school?" Justin asks

"Since when do you ever turn down a drink?" Bryce asks as he shoves Justin playfully before holding his hand out to Jess

"Mm-hmm." Jess hums as she passes him the bottle and he takes a swig out of it

"Come on, Zachariah. There's no strawberry." Bryce teases

"Uh, nah, I got a test in bio." Zach says

"How bout you, Ev?" Bryce asks

"I have the same test to take." I say before Bryce offers the bottle to Justin

"Don't be a bitch, Justy." Bryce says causing Justin to smile as he takes the bottle and takes a swig out of it

"There you go. Thattaboy." Bryce says

"This tastes like shit." Justin says

"It's smooth." Bryce insists as Justin passes the bottle back to Jess

"Alright. I gotta go copy my Spanish homework before the bell rings." Jess says as she steps towards the door behind us

"Adios, losers." She adds as she walks in the door

"See ya." Zach and I say

"Ready?" Zach asks as he grabs my hand

"Yup." I say before we walk away from Justin and Bryce

*3 Hours Later*

I walk into the cafeteria and I see Justin and Alex shoving each other

I run over and help Zach pull them apart

"Cut it out!" Zach exclaims as I shove Justin back from Alex

"Whatever happens to us it happens to you too." Justin says

"What, so, if I kill myself, do you die too?" Alex asks before walking towards the exit

"Guys." Zach says before Alex walks out of the cafeteria

"Seriously." Zach says before we walk over to our table

"God, what's with him now?" Marcus asks as we sit down

"Don't worry about it." Justin says

"What did Clay say?" Justin asks

"Dude, he's freakin out about Jessica. He says he's gonna do something, maybe here at school." Marcus says

"If he tells Mr. Porter, or Childs..." Zach says trailing off

"Yeah, we're all fucked." Marcus says

"We just have to get to them before he does." Justin says

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