Chapter Twelve

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Evelyn's POV

"Barry emailed me last night. He said it was Bryce's idea, that Bryce asked you both yesterday." Mrs. Dempsey says

"Asked us what?" I ask

"If we want to use their lawyer. I'm not gonna let you two take the stand without some guidance. This kind of thing can ruin somebody's life, even if they're innocent." Mrs. Dempsey says

"I--I--I know, it's just... we can find our own lawyer. It's fine." Zach says

"This is the kind of thing your father used to handle. At times like these, we need to benefit from our associations." Mrs. Dempsey says before Zach's phone vibrates and I see it's Alex calling

"Who is it? It's, uh...Bryce, actually." Zach lies as he shoves his phone in his pocket

"He probably wants to get some throws in before practice. We should go." Zach says as he grabs his jacket and his backpack

"Okay, honeys. And tell him thanks." Mrs. Dempsey says

*30 Minutes Later*

Zach opens the passenger door for Alex before helping him out of the car

"Such a gentlemen. This doesn't mean I'm gonna put out or anything." Alex says as Zach puts the passenger seat down and extends his hand to me before I happily take it and he helps me out of the backseat

"What? Not even handy?" Zach asks as he closes the passenger door

"Oh, my hand doesn't really work..." Alex says trailing off

"Oh, fine, I guess I'll put out." I say with a playful smirk as Zach drapes his arm over my shoulders and my eyes fall on Bryce who's looking right at us

"Hey, you know what? Let's take the side entrance today." I say

"But it's way further, and I get tired." Alex says

"I can carry you. Come on." Zach says as he goes to pick him up

"Okay, you're not... Dude, you're not...The whole reason I called you was to avoid another scene. Getting picked up by my dad in the cop car was embarrassing enough." Alex says before we head towards the side entrance

*3 Hours Later*

"Hey, so, um...So, what's up with you guys helping out Alex so much? Are you like guys his butler now, or what?" Bryce asks as we walk down the hall

"Ye--yea--Yeah, no. It's nothing. My mom's making us help him, because she's friends with his folks, and, yeah." Zach lies

"Huh. So is he gonna testify?" Bryce asks

"I don't know if he can, because of the...I mean, he's like crippled." Zach says

"Right, right, right. Yeah. So when are you guys up?" Bryce asks

"Couple days. Oh, and, um my mom says thanks, by the way, for the lawyer." Zach says as we stop in the middle of the hallway

"Yeah, sure." Bryce says

"She--She said that you had already asked us?" Zach says but it comes out as more of a question

"Yeah, no, I meant to. I just...I figured it was better to act fast, you know?" Bryce asks before we continuing walking once again

"Yeah, no, that totally makes sense. But... so does that mean they called you in, too, or...?" Zach asks

"No. I'm just lookin' out for you. We're in this together, right?" Bryce asks before they bump fists

"Yeah." Zach says before I see Alex talking to Clay at Clay's locker

"I'm gonna catch up with you at practice. My mitt's in the car and so is her cheer bag. So." Zach says as he grabs my hand

"Alright." Bryce says as Zach pulls me down the hall

*3 Hours Later*

*3 Hours Later*

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"Good. Nice. Dude, your--your--your balance is totally better than last week. One more big push. Let's do this, come on." Zach says as he does PT with Alex in the pool and I dangle my legs in the water and I see Alex fall of the Bike and into the water but Zach catches him

"What's going on, man?" Zach asks

"My legs don't work. And my brain doesn't work. My arms hurt. I'm a worthless piece of shit." Alex says

"Dude, come on." Zach says

"No! Okay? It's true, man. I can't help Jessica. I can't remember shit. Your memory...Everyone that could help me remember won't." Alex says

"Your memory will come back, just--" Zach starts

"You're a fucking doctor now? How do you know that? What the fuck do you even know about what I'm going through? Why are either of you even here?" Alex shouts cutting Zach off

"Just go hang out with the rest of your dumb jock fucking rapist friends." Alex says before Zach walks over to the side of the pool beside me before lifting himself out of the pool

"I need a lift out of here." Alex says as I stand up from the side of the pool

"Ask your doctor, I guess." Zach says

"What is this? Some twisted physical therapy test?" Alex asks

"Yeah, okay, I don't know exactly what you're going through. But I know what it's like to feel like shit's never gonna get better. Every time I come home to my empty fucking house, I remember that feeling." Zach says

"Zach, I forgot." Alex says

"And I come here every single day because I remember last summer. It was PT that helped me get through it." Zach says

"I'm really sorry. You know, I could--I could still really use a lift outta here." Alex says before Zach hops back into the pool

-The Next Morning-

I kiss the top of Monty's head before sitting down beside him

"Hi, my lovies." I say with a warm smile

"Hi, Ev." Monty says before pecking the side of my head

"Hey, Evie." Bryce says before I see Scott walk over to us

"What up?" Bryce asks as Scott sits down beside me

"What's up, guys?" Scott asks

"Your boy keeps looking at you guys, Zach, Evie. Does he need his diaper changed?" Monty asks as I shove his chest

"Shut up, Monty." Zach says

"What, why don't you go take care of him? Dempsey, it's normal for nurses to fall for their patients." Monty tease

"Fuck off. I don't even like him, mkay?" Zach says

"Oh right. It's just your mom who makes you carry his books and wipe his ass." Bryce teases causing himself, Monty, and Scott to laugh

"No, the ass he does for pleasure." Monty says

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