Chapter 2

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Today is the day we go back to Hogwarts and we are very excited which is weird seeing as we never are really excited about going back.

The other day the girls and I discovered that we have tattoos which is really weird seeing as we didn't have tattoos before we went to bed.

I am wearing this:

Grace is wearing this:

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Grace is wearing this:

Maddie is wearing this:

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Maddie is wearing this:

Petunia picked out our outfits because we need to look 'badass' when we get on the train

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Petunia picked out our outfits because we need to look 'badass' when we get on the train.

I have my hair straight with red lipstick, nude eyeshadow, and mascara.

As I exit out of my room I walk downstairs to the living room only to find Petunia, Grace, and Maddie waiting for me with our trunks.

As we walk outside I noticed that my dad's car isn't in the driveway meaning that the left already so Petunia has to drive us.

As we get to platform 9 3/4 we said our goodbyes to Petunia and she told us to "Knock them dead."

We entered the train finding an empty compartment and taking a seat. "I honestly feel so different. I feel like a different person. What about you guys?" I asked them after telling them how I felt about how I looked.

"I'm the same way." "Me too." Were their replies.

We were talking about random things when all of the sudden the compartment door opens.

"You can't just enter without knocking." Said a male voice as me and the girls looked up only to find the marauders staring at us (me to be exact).

"Can we help you?" I asked them feeling kind of annoyed with the person who just opened the compartment door without knocking.

Another boy commonly known as James Potter then asked a question "Are you transfer students?"

Me and the girls shared a look and rolled our eyes. "No we're not actually. My name is Rose Evans more commonly known as Lily Evans twin, this is my best friend Grace Wilson, and my other best friend Maddie Jackson." I told them as their eyes widen in shock probably not expecting it.

"Y-you all l-l-look so d-diff-er-ent." Said Sirius Black stuttering which is really confusing since he never stutters or at least not in front of people.

Me and the girls share a weirded out look before turning back to the boys only to find them staring at me in some sort of daze.

I am talking to them but they aren't responding so I stood up in front of them snapping my fingers and they come out of their daze.

"You know what I am going to go change into my robes and I'll be back." I said walking off towards the women's bathroom only to earn wolf whistles from boys in almost every compartment I pass.

After I finished I walked back to the compartment opening the door trying to ignore the wolf whistles but something in me snapped. I turn to the door that was still opened and stuck my head out.

"HEY STOP BEING JACKASSES." I then closed the door and sat back down in my spot only to realize the marauders were still there.

"What happened you?" Asked Grace curiously "I swear guys are perverts. I was walking towards the women's bathroom to change into my robes when guys from almost every compartment started wolf whistling. After changing into my robes I was walking back to the compartment only to be whistled at AGAIN and so I turned around and told them to stop being jackasses."

The girls looked at me in sympathy and what I failed to notice is the angry looks on the marauders faces and the clenched jaws as well as the clenched fists. The marauders were planning on pranking every boy in the school for making THEIR soulmate uncomfortable.

God help the poor boys who wolf whistled at their soulmate because they would pay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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