07: What A Way To End This Session, Mr Braun

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I jogged down the stairs to find him holding a scrunched rubbish bag, with the rats body inside. "Where shall I put this?" He sheepishly asked.

"I'll bury it later in the garden, but for now we seriously need to hurry up and begin with our project." I said and ran to the drawers to get detol spray and wiped continuesly on the area for a whole four minutes, my arm aching.

"Y/n, it's okay, the bacteria is probably gone now." Reiner reassured. Taking the cloths and throwing them in the bin. I sighed and agreed silently, taking the things out and putting it on the table.

While Reiner went to put the rubbish bag away I opened up my laptop and put the tab on the sea penises with a shell on so that we could constantly see if our creation was right.

I began by moulding it, my hand dirty in the moist clay. Soon enough, Reiner had come to help me to do it, his hands were much larger than mine so maybe we could get this done and over with faster.

"So, how's life?" I say, slowly working my way to the top of the sea creature. He seemed to stare at me for a few seconds, maybe contemplating something. "Surprisingly okay." He finally said, using the back of his hand to wipe a lash off of his cheekbone.

I grinned at how clumsy he could be, since he now had a trail of grey moist on his cheek. "That's great... you know since you seem sad most of the time and stuff."

He glanced up, fiddling with the clumps of clay on his fingers. "Do I?"

"Yeah, I've always wondered what memories created that face."

"Mhm, I have too." He starts, standing up properly. "Although it hasn't been a while, from the day I was given Sawney and you as my partner, I think back to all those people who gave me dirty looks, after they realised we are now friends."

I hummed in response, "I'm sorry, I tried to warn"-

"There's no need for an apology, it's like serendipity- all worth it."

Laughing lowly to myself, I tapped his cheek with my wet hand playfully. "Serendipity huh?" I teased.

"Whaaat?" The corners of his lips twitched up, flustered. "Hey- hey- before you joke around any more, what did you even do to deserve such a title?" I stopped tapping circles on his cheek and genuinly thought to myself.

"I feed birds and talk to them- mostly the crows- so I got the title 'rip off snow white' and then I tend to have creepy crawlys on me when I enter class- it's just a spider or a ladybug but people don't appreciate it for some reason and then I... talk to myself." I sheepishly admitted.

I was expecting his usual gentle grin except, I was met with a sympathetic frown. "That isn't that weird..."

"Yeah but you know people- at this age they love clowning on others and use every excuse to justify it."

"You're right." He mumbled, "Very right."

"So how about you? You ever got clowned on?"

A scoff fumbled out of his mouth, I was right. "It's funny actually..." He began telling me about how he and Porco used to fight when they were kids, pushing each other and pulling petty pranks.

It'd been a while since I laughed that hard, I loved the feeling of joy overflowing in my chest as I giggled hysterically. Every story was full of some kind of disregard for regret, one where you should regret what you did but the lessons learnt are too important to hate the past.

"Well I'm glad you're friends now." I added detal to the statue. "Me too." He chuckled, going to wash his hands at the sink nearby.

I too had felt the need to wash off the dry specs of clay on my hand, walking off to join him. However on my way, I hadn't realised Tootsie sitting there with his ass sticking out.

Yelling in uncertainty, I tripped over nothing to avoid hurting Tootsie and fell over on a soft yet hard chest, hands grasping at my upper sides. My gaze awkwardly averted upwards to see if I was right, hoping the warm sensation underneath me was misleading.

My face burned at the highest degree to notice that he had leaned backwards on the counter to catch me, my hands grasping at his shirt like a desperate cat. Our eye contact lasted for five seconds yet our connection was somehow strong, processing the fact that our bodies were pressed together like a lewd statue.

Almost instantly, I ripped myself off of him, sweat beginning to form at the tip of my hairline. I'm going to murder you Tootsie, sneaky bastard.

Both of us had bright red faces and teary eyes, too embarassed to say anything or think back to what happened.

"I um...- I didn't hurt you, did I?" I checked on him, I'm pretty sure his back arched far against the counter, "No! No you didn't!" He frantically urged, his hand rubbing the nape of his neck. The dusty clay from my palms were on either sides of his shirt, the shadowed creases showing evidence of my tight clasp from before. "I- are y-you okay?"

"Yeah..." I chuckled sheepishly. "Just a bit dizzy from the..." Our eyes locked again, the tension becoming heavier than when our bodies connected like two puzzle pieces.

My head refused to stop replaying the memory, my heartpace picking up. I was confident he could hear it- or even worse- see it!

"Anyways- let's continue this tomorrow." He said with another one of his gentle smiles. I softened up at the sight of it and nodded.

"But- this time! Let me walk you home! Really!" He seemed shocked by my request, understandbly. It was pretty much dark outside with only street lights illuminating the sky, the moon completely missing under god knows which clouds.

"Y/n, I should be asking to walk you home..." He laughed slightly. "You're a brave one aren't you?" Reiner added, already making his way to the door.

I followed him and gently blocked the knob. "Come on Reiner! I won't be able to sleep unless I know you made it home safe!" My inner self facepalmed at how desperate I made myself sound.

"I'll text you when I get home," he suggested. Damn it that won't do! They could easily hack into his phone and pretend to be him.

"Please Reiner..." I begged. His eyes seem to switch between my left and right, beginning to consider my point. "I'll carry a knife- even if it's illegal! Just let me take you home!"

He exhaled and glanced away, my eyelids perked up in excitement. He was about to say yes!


Authors note:
a great big thanks to the birthday wishes and everyone support, I've been able to write all because of you💜💜💜

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