The Nightmare

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Hey guys! The main admin here! So, basically this account was made about 5 months or so. I had collaborated with one of my colleagues. But, due to intense college work she is unavailable at the moment! So, I decided that I will open this account and open account for young writers interested in writing and helping each other improving writings and enhancing ideas. So, please do not hesitate to join me and lets help your writing reach out the world!

You will be free to post you short stories, prose, poems and other stories and creative writing ideas!

Happy reading and please do join me....

~~~~~PROSE TIME~~~~~

"Would you like to sit?" He asked as he pulled both of us down on the sand. I smiled and sat next to him.

"So, what's with you and Sean?" He asked while gazing at a distance as the currents started to catch up. Both of us normally came here to talk about our deepest feelings. Well, mostly mine. But, today he had suggested the idea. Maybe he was just concerned about me and my sudden change in behavior. I had been spending more time away from him rather than with him. Which was a bit odd.

"What do you mean?" I smiled.

"Well, you clearly are spending more time with him rather than me." He commented as-a-matter-of-fact.

"He is a good guy that's it..." I shyly trailed off. He actually was. He was a decent gentleman. I liked him. Not in that way! It was tough to figure out what exactly this guy with extremely green eyes sitting beside me wanted me to answer.

"That's it? That's it! I mean c'mon! I don't think this is it, Lystra. Is it?" He was getting impatient. It was unusual of him.

"Why are you being so-so impossible? Get to the point!" I scolded.

"Do you like him?" He asked.

"I might. Why do you care?" I snapped.

"Oh." There was a brief silence. "Are you sure?" He asked further. I could see a mix of sorrow and hope in his eyes. I took a sharp intake of breath. "Yes." I said getting up and leaving him alone.

"Lystra..." He called out. I stopped as a tear fell from my eyes. I was unsure of what I felt. I dared to look back at him. 'Cause I knew, if I did look back, my heart would burst out. I am not sure why. But, I knew I would.

"Lys. I know, you like him and all but, is he the right choice?" he came up behind me. His breath tickling the back of my ear. I stayed quiet. Unsure of what might come out of my mouth. I felt him waiting for an answer. "What do you want, Derrick?" I asked. His arms wrapped around my waist and he whipped me around. He looked straight into my eyes as he leaned closer. His lips brushed past my lips. "I am sorry, Lys." He whispered as I felt pang down my spine. Soon after, my eyes felt heavy as I see the image of Derrick getting blurred. I screamed in agony. I saw Derrick getting on his knees and crying.

I shot up the bed, panting in sweat. Another nightmare. Another horrifying nightmare. "Lys! Baby, you okay?" Derrick asked wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Derrick. I am scared."

"Don't be baby. I am here for you. Always. Nothing will ever hurt you."

"It was the same dream..." I whispered. I felt Derrick stiffen. I knew he didn't like the idea of him being the reason I get killed. He remained quiet as both of us lay back to drift off to sleep.

If you are interested, please contact me and lets have some fun!

Loads of love xx

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