A Mother's Worst Fears

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Sitting in the hospital waiting room, in the anticipation that my little angel would wake up after the horrifying accident is a mother worst fears. I could hear the faint voice of the doctors and the nurses' rushing into the big room where a little baby was supposedly taking her last breaths. My baby. I hesitated to even peak into the room. I was sitting there helplessly just praying to see the life in my angel's eyes. I praying to feel her small, fragile hands locked around my neck whenever we were around stranger. I missed her morning voice calling for me to give her a morning cuddle and a morning kiss. I missed sitting with her in front of the T.V watching her favorite shows. I felt hopeless and defeated. I was all my fault. I should have paid more attention towards the right side of the road and should've avoided the sudden collision. I could have stopped it, but I was too late, busy grooving away to the stupid tune on the radio. I let my tears fall freely. The tears were gushing down. There was no doubt about it. I was crying. My head was held in between my hands, resting on my knees. I have been such a horrible mom! "Miss, we need you to sign some papers for us." The nurse said gently while bending down beside me. I looked up at her. "If it makes you any more comfortable, we could request the child's father." She suggested. Ah! The father. I looked away avoiding thinking anything about it. It was a year ago, when I lost him in similar way. Sensing the reluctance, the nurse walked away. I was left with my thoughts once again.

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