Harry, your fit.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bus pulled up outside school, me and Lucy stepped out, still talking about Harry.

"So, you like him then?" 

"I've liked him since year 7, but he has Tara doesn't he..." I spoke quieter as I saw her only 10 feet away from us, with her 'gang'. We called them The Sluts, but most boys called them fit. Hm, they need laser eye surgery I thought, as I saw one upper sixt former stared at her... breast area, and winked at her. Tara is the biggest slut ever, she has white hair, bright red lipstick, and so much mascara her eyelids are barely visible, and don't get me started on her chicken fillets. 

"You can tell Harry doesn't like her." she whispered, I nodded, Harry always felt uncomfertable with her.


I grabbed Lucy and we sloped to form room, and sat a few seats from Harry. He looked over and winked at me, I blushed and returned one. I turned to Lucy to find her smirking.

"What?...." I giggled, I couldn't contain my girly giggles, like I was in primary school.

"He so likes you." she winked, I just chuckled and looked through my Facebook then Harry, just for a few seconds, till he started walking over...

He was coming over here. Shit shit shit.

"Hey Amelia." he murmered, killing me with his green orbs, as he looked into my dull blue ones.

"Oh hey Harry, you alright?" I smiled, he smiled back.

"No I'm half left." he winked. Oooooh his wink. He then spoke up again, seen as though I hadn't spoke for 5 seconds. "Urm, wanna meet me at the park after school? Your friend can come, Danny is." He looked over at Lucy to see her staring over at Danny, I just chuckled. 

"Harry, I'd love to." I smiled, we exchanged numbers and went to sit with Tara, who was giving me a awful glare.

Harrys P.O.V

I love how much Amelia is so down to earth, so caring... so beautiful. Did I just call her beautiful?

Amelias P.O.V

I sloped to first lesson and sat in my seat next to Lucy (shes in all my classes). I text Harry then fll into a staring contest with the wall, oh how beautiful is Harry? I tried answering it... I just couldn't...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT THE PARK

I walked to the park with Lucy, I was wearing my black geek top, pale blue jeans and my marroon beanie.

I saw him, he was sat on the baby swings with Danny, I just chuckled to myself.

"Oooooh, its Danny." I whispered to Lucy she blushed and walked over to him, and I went over to Harry, we sat on the swings talking whilst them two sat on the bench.

"You look nice Amelia." he smiled.

"You don't look bad either." I winked, and looked down at my phone.

I put it in my pocket and started swinging on the swing, and saw Harry swinging too.

"So how are things with Tara?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Well she cheated on me, but now we are back together, and then she told me hates me, then loves me?" He looked confused himself, as did I.

"Harry, sorry to be rude but why stay with her?" I sighed, I think I sounded a tad jealous.

"I really like her." he mumbled, I sighed.

We talked abit more then I said

"Why did you invite me?" I chuckled relizing it was only a park.

"Why not, why did you come?" He winked. Oh god shall i say I like him or what?

"I think your fit.... and that" I blushed oh my god how stupid did I look? I tried looking for Lucy so i could drag her away with me, I started run, I made such a fool of myself. I got home and slammed my door shut.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HMMM I realize it was boring but this was sooooo long. 2+ votes for next chapter, and comment!;)

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