Where Have You Been?

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FrostFire was sitting alone in his room for hours, he won't come out of the room. Glacier isn't that worried about him, because he knows the problem frostfire has

"Hey, frost? Why don't you come out and eat?" Glacier asked, trying to lure frostfire out of the room to eat. But he only heard a simple reply from the other

"No thanks, not hungry." Frostfire groaned, declining the other fusions offer, Glacier only sighed at his response. Then he said something that worried FrostFire even more

"You know, just because you had a fight with supra, dosent mean you can let your anger out to someone else.."

FrostFires eyes widened, how did he know what he was feeling? How?

Well.. The thing is, Glacier heard the fight with his own two ears, it was so loud, he had to close sori's ears

"I'll eat when I'm hungry glacy, you don't have to worry about me" Frostfire replied with a monotonous voice. "Alright then" Glacier said, then left to find sori

FrostFire always thought to himself, why does he always fight with supra? Is there something that his lover dosent like? Or did his lover decided to leave him alone? He has been always concerned about one thing, what if his lover breaks up with him one day? Is he not enough for him? Does supra hate him now? He wanted to cry, but he can't, he didn't want to show that he was weak. Because of the fight they had 3 days ago, supra went missing. Frostfire thinks its his fault for everything, he kept thinking negative thoughts about his lover and himself.

Then, someone came in his room without knocking

"Frost." the male said, shocking the latter, frostfire eyes was full of shock, his body started to tremble. "S-supra...?"

Have some angst for the first chappy of the book, baii

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