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Everyone wants a happy ending, everyone wants to be happy.

But how will you achive your happy ending when everyone thinks you're the villain? Everyone don't want you to be happy? Because they think you don't deserve it.

Lisa's P.O.V

"Lisa! Lisa!" I woke up because of this shouting princess of hearts. "Get your ass up there 'cause will gonna be late in school!"

"Argghh remind me why do we have to go to school again unnie?" I growl as I ask Jennie unnie

"Because you have to fill you empty brain Lisa" she said savagely "Now get up and get dress" she said as she leave my room.

I get up and take a bath 'cause I don't want to get scolded by my three unnies, and when I finish my morning routine I went downstairs to eat breakfast with my unnies.

"So Lisa are you ready to go to our new school?" Rosé ask me.

"Of course why'd you ask?"I ask her.

"Because we all know that in the first place you don't want to go to that school because that school will force you to face your faith which is to be a-"

"How many times do I have to tell you guys that I want to write my own faith and I don't want to be like my mother?" I said for the nth time as I cut her off. "And I don't want to talk about that topic again cause I don't want to lost my appetite" I said with a little angry voice because it sucks to be the bad person as always, to be the villain that everyone hates.

Can we daughters of villain can just be free and choose our own path and be good sometimes?

Why in the world we live life is so unfair? Why us? There's so many questions in my mind that can't be answered.

I hate being bad and dangerous as always. When will it stop?


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