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Everything was fine until you got to the socks. With the shirts and the sweatpants, it was all fun and games - Jack getting progressively more promiscuous in the pictures (as a joke, of course) and the twins just doing their jobs (looking cool, as they always did). But when it came to the socks...

"I don't know how I feel about you taking professional photos of my feet." Jack said, looking down at his socked feet on the ground.

"Really, it's professional photos of the socks that just happen to be on your feet." You said. Being honest, you weren't quite sure how you were going to do these next pictures. Taking pictures of the models wearing shirts and sweatpants was one thing, figuring out how to take pictures focused on socks was another.

"How do you want me then?" Jack asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Next to him, Dawn wrinkled her nose. "Don't say it like that."

You just laughed, fiddling with your camera in your hands. "We can probably just start with some normal pictures, and then move onto poses and things."

"Right then." Ty said, going to stand in front of the wall again, keeping his feet shoulder-width apart. "Whenever you're ready."

You made the rounds of regular pictures, just getting the socks at different angles and making sure the design would be clear in at least one of the item photos that was used. As you worked, you tried to think of poses, but what was there that really showcased a model's feet? You could always have them crouch down or sit all scrunched up, but it wouldn't look natural like the other photos had.

"Maybe we just don't get poses for the socks." You mused aloud, snapping the final picture of Dawn's socked feet.

"We should at least try." Ty said. "If they don't turn out, then we don't use them. But if they do, great."

"Okay..." You said, thumbing the buttons on your camera as you gazed at the wall, trying to think up a pose. It was while you were looking at the wall that inspiration struck, and a smile stretched it's way over your face. "I have an idea."

"Care to share with the class?" Dawn asked.

"You guys don't mind laying down for a minute, yeah?" You asked. "I was thinking it would actually be really cute if you all laid down and propped your feet up on the wall - and then you're not all scrunched up, but the socks are still the focus of the picture."

Jack's eyebrows rose a bit. "That's actually pretty good."

Ty, however, cast a glance down at the gritty pavement under his feet before sighing. "Yeah." He said, sounding a bit forlorn. "If you think it'll make a good picture."

As your models got into position, you knelt down, finding a good angle for the shot. Bringing your camera to your eye, you snapped a few pictures of them all getting into position - Jack already with his feet propped up on the wall, looking happy as could be while Dawn laid her braids out in a pleasing halo around her head and Ty laid himself on the ground as gingerly as he could, like the dirt would spare him if he was gentle.

When they were in position and looking at the camera, you snapped a few more, making sure to keep all the faces and the socks in frame. It was when you started to feel some pieces of gravel beginning to dig into your skin that you stood back up. "I think that's good boys."

"Thank god." Ty said, shooting up as soon as you gave the 'ok'. "There's going to be gravel in my hair-"

"Pussy." Dawn said, hauling herself up as well. "Just shower when he get back home-"

"Would somebody mind lending me a hand really fast?"

You looked down to see Jack trying to sit up, only to reach a point where he stopped and flopped back down to the pavement. He blinked up at you, smiling sheepishly. "I'm a bit stuck it seems."

You shook your head, bemused, and reached down with your free hand to grab onto the hand Jack had stuck out. Winding your fingers together, you dug your feet into the ground, letting Jack use you as leverage to pull himself up off the ground.

When he was back on his feet, Jack let go of your hand to clap you on the shoulder. "Thanks, fella."

"That's it, right?" Dawn asked, smoothing her braids back out.

"Yeah." Jack said. "Here, I'll unlock the car so you guys can throw the socks back with the others."

You wandered back to the cars, stowing your camera back in your bag as you walked. You could start editing some of the pictures tonight - or at least sort through and choose the best shots that you had gotten today.

"It's two hundred, yeah?" Jack asked, opening his car and grabbing his wallet from the glove compartment. "For two hours?"

"Yeah." You said. "You don't have to pay right now though-"

"Nah, I've got the money." Jack said, fumbling with his phone and wallet. "Oh damn - we went over time."

"We did?" You asked, pulling out your own phone. Sure enough, it was about a half an hour past the two hour cut off. "Oh." You said. "I don't think it actually counts as over time if we spent the first half an hour trying to teach you how to model."

Jack huffed out a laugh. "I'll still pay for the extra time." He said, shuffling through his wallet. He handed you the two hundred he owed, going back for more.

"Really, don't worry about it." You insisted. "It was just getting you into the groove and everything-"

"No, I'll feel bad now." Jack said. "I already feel bad enough for wasting time in the beginning, just let me pay for it-"

"Jack, seriously." You laughed. "You don't have to-"

"At least let me get you and your friends lunch or something then." Jack said, shoving his wallet back into his pocket. "Yeah?"

You traded a look with Dawn and Ty. "Yeah, alright."

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now