taunt me

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Despite my preference of getting things done and over with I was convinced that I would rather wait till my death bed before I face Erwin. I disobeyed him and worse swore at him, he was the commander it was rude of me to disrespect him like that but I had made up my mind. To fight.

Time to make my appearance as I stood outside his office my hands began to sweat.great I thought to myself.

Engrossed at the sight of my hands I pulled my sleeve up so I didn't mark the door handle after I knocked.

"Come in!" His voice boomed like the level of my adrenaline."commander!" My voice was tinted with fear and shaken like my legs as I paced towards his desk. Funny the walk way seemed to be getting bigger and the distance to his desk seemed so far away. Was my eyes hallucinating?

"Take a seat" he beckoned towards the chair on the opposite side of the desk before taking a seat in front of me.

Mike who was still in the room kept facing out the window but I could tell he was aware of the current situation I was in.

"Mike could you give us some privacy don't worry we won't take long." I cocked my head slightly at his demand.

"Isn't that something you'd say when your about to kill someone what happened to all those office puns?" He glared unamused at my unsuccessful attempt at lightening the mood.

I sighed in response to his reaction, regarding my stupidity.

"I'm sure you know what this is about, so we are going to skip a couple chapters. Today's mission. Let's review, you disobeyed my commands,   and most importantly put yourself in danger."


"I need you to understand that I'm not mad at you but put some faith in your comrades most may not be as skilled as you but your a section commander you have-"

"Did have my own squad" I cut him off "that was a long time ago y/n let go of the past and focus on this matter"he turned around before marching up to the window "yo-"

"You know what Erwin I think we are done here" my chest will still pounding but not with rage

"Oh?" He questioned.

"Well seeing as your leaving soon if like you to deliver these paper works to levi for me"he lifted a stack of papers and placed them in my arms . As I turned around to make my exit I was stopped."by the way I heard what you did in the town with that man" he paused giving me time to answer "what am I going to get punished for that too?"

"No" he remarked "I wanted to say thank you for honouring our fallen soldiers" I winked at him before making my way down to Levi's office I hadn't talked to him since the mission but this was going to have to be brief.

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