The terrible night

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Your POV
After a long day at Freddy's me and my mommy had to go home I said goodbye to Freddy and we left. It was dark outside and I was tired so mommy picked me up and put in my big boy seat "is my little boy tired?" She asked and I nodded slowly. Mommy got in the car and she started it.

We started to drive and I was waving goodbye at the restaurant and I was sadly looking at it because I was going to miss my best bear friend. I wish I could live with him or he could live with me.

We was going on the freeway and it was raining "Ugh,great rain" my mommy said. I was looking out the window and I could see a few stars "hello stars" I said "are the stars out?" My mommy asked "yeah!" I said.

We've been on the freeway for quite a while now and I was kinda scared because there was big vans going passed and I was scared they would fall on us. My mommy was still dry and a few cars were going all crazy and she was getting mad "hey! What are you doing?!" She yelled.

When we got a bit further away there was more cars and they were driving he wrong way or they weren't on the road "what is everyone doing!?" My mommy asked.

I looked out at the front window and I could see a big truck driving towards us but my mommy couldn't see it cause she was looking at other cars "mommy!" I said "hang on a second y/n" she said "mommy! Look!" I said "I said hang on baby".

"MOMMY! THERE'S A TRUCK!" I screamed and she looked up and saw it "oh crap! No No NO!" She said trying to turn the car around "mommy I'm scared!" I said "y/n,I love you!" My mommy yelled "I love you to mommy!".

I thought she was just saying that cause she was scared but when she turned back around the truck had hit our car.

I wasn't passed out or anything,I was okay but I did get hurt a little "ow...m...mommy?" I said. I got out of my seat and I went to mommy "mommy?" I said. I looked at mommy's face and she didn't say anything "mommy?" I said again staring to panic "mommy please say something!" I yelled.

I was scared and I didn't know what happened with to my mommy so I got out the car and instead of looking for help I kissed my mommy said "I love you,I'm sorry mommy I'll be a good boy for you" I said crying. I got out of the car and I had nowhere to go. I couldn't think of any other place that I could get help at other than the people around me but I didn't know them and I was scared to talk to them.

I was thinking for someone I could get help from and I remembered someone.....Freddy.

Little bear (FreddyFazbearxmale!Child reader)Where stories live. Discover now