Chapter 3: Date

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[A/N: the picture above is how they were dressed}

Akaashi was nervous. It was almost six o'clock and Bokuto was going to be here very soon. He still couldn't believe that he was going on a date (it was a date, right?) with a professional athlete. A hot and well-known professional athlete. While Akaashi did have a lot of money nowadays, he still felt like the same computer geek he had been his whole life. Socially not very savvy or outgoing, shy and quiet. He was really feeling insecure about how this evening was going to go without their friends being there to provide a buffer.

Akaashi had debated about what to wear and settled on gray skinny jeans, a grey long-sleeved button up shirt with rolled up sleeves, a light grey tie, and a dark gray vest with black dress shoes. Hinata said he looked "hot" so he felt a little better. He was now waiting in the living room of Hinata's and Kageyama's house in Tezukayama, where he was staying for his short visit. Tezukayama was an upscale family neighborhood that the couple had chosen in part for its family atmosphere that they wanted for Natsu. Bokuto said he'd take the subway to pick him up since he lived in a different part of Osaka.

At just past six o'clock the doorbell rang and Akaashi practically jumped up from his chair. He tried to look calm and hoped he was succeeding as he opened the door to a smiling Bokuto. Akaashi's mouth might have dropped open since Bokuto was looking super hot in his black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up, and white trainers. HIs hair was down framing his golden eyes again and Akaashi wanted to jump him right then and there. Gulp.

"Hi, Akaashi. You look really nice," Bokuto said while Akaashi was still trying to form words. In fact, Bokuto thought he looked amazing and, yeah, beautiful. The grey color scheme drew attention to his gorgeous face, his pale skin, and of course, those eyes.

"Oh, thank you Bokuto-san. You look really nice too."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Sure. Let me just tell Kageyama and Hinata that I'm leaving."

A few minutes later they began walking to the nearby Tezukayama subway Station. Bokuto said "I thought we'd go to Dotonbori, if that's okay with you. You can check out the canals and we can get some of the best food anywhere. Sound okay?"

Akaashi nodded, "Yes, that sounds nice, Bokuto-san." Bokuto only smiled at the formal way in which the dark-haired male addressed him.

They took the short, ten minute train ride south to Namba station. Bokuto told him that he had an apartment near the subway station, as did his teammates Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi, and that the shopping and food district wasn't far from the station either, though in the other direction. According to Bokuto, Namba was a lively and energetic place to visit.

As soon as they were close enough to see the bright lights and billboards of Dotonbori, Akaashi smiled. It was very lively and definitely buzzing with excitement. Lots of people, shops, food -- there was food everywhere. Just the sort of place he'd expect Bokuto to like, but it was okay. He decided he liked it too.

At first they just walked around with Bokuto pointing out all of the sights and Akaashi was mostly quiet, content to listen to Bokuto's deep sexy voice while just soaking up everything around him. Bokuto was sort of bouncing as he explained to Akaashi about Osaka's obsession with food, that it has been called "the food capital of the world" and the expression "kuidaore," which means to eat yourself into bankruptcy.

"Are you hungry, Akaashi?"

"Yes, I could eat. What do you suggest?"

"Well, this region is famous for okonomiyaki, takoyaki and udon [A/N: pan-fried batter cake, octopus in fried batter and a noodle dish, respectively]. Want to try one of those?"

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