A Small Question Dear

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Howdy howdy! This is oneshot was requested by someone I cannot find anymore unfortunately! D:
This oneshot contains:
Mommy Mearest
Daddy Dearest
Now, on with the oneshot! :D


Christmas, a time for family to come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus, well, that and opening presents of course! (Apologies if you aren't religious! ^^') Unfortunately, for a certain family, this was not the case. Instead of celebrating it at home, they were at a local mall, preparing for a rap battle between the parents and their daughters boyfriend.

Amongst those preparing was Mommy Mearest and Daddy Dearest. DD had already taken his place on the chair that had once belonged to the little Santa whom now stood next to it, nervously sweating as he was held at gun point. MM simply stood in front, slightly fiddling with her fingers as she hesitantly called out to her husband.


She called to her husband, a little too softly the first time. After the second time she had caught his attention, him now all ears.

"Yes darlin? Is somethin wrong?"

DD asked, now giving his wife his full attention. MM seemed to struggle for words, opening and closing her mouth a few times. She didn't know exactly how to phrase her question. She continued to fumble with her words, letting out small fractions of a sentence or question. At this point she couldn't even remember what she was asking about or why.

"Are you.. askin if you can sit in my lap?"

DD asked, absolutely puzzled at this point. MM vigorously nodded her head  snapping her fingers as well.

"Yes! That's what I was going to ask you about!"

She answered quickly, now awaiting her husband's approval. DD let out a soft chuckle as he watched MM put her hands on her hips and slightly pout when he lightly teased her about it.

"Dear, answer the damn question."

She sassed, her previous anxiousness now gone. DD laughed a little harder, wiping away a fake tear with one hand while he patted his lap with the other.

"Hon, of course ya can. No need to ask."

He responded with a toothy grin as his wife took her rightful place on his lap. The two would have small conversations here and there while they waited for their daughter, Cheri, and her boyfriend, Keith.


Aaahh! I hope this was okay!^^'
Honestly, I love these two and their dynamic, it makes me so happy tbh.
Ty for the request! :D

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