Comfort? From the big laurance- Part 16

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Garroth: T-TRAVIS....?!

Travis: *Licks lips* Oh...

Garroth: W-Why


Garroth: Break us u-u-u-p?

Travis: Sorry. I meant ruin our "friendship." You know you love me, Garroth. Laurance is just brainwashing you!

Garroth: I-I love you as a friend Travis but you are CRAZY! S-Stop scaring me......

Travis: Garroth... *puts hand out towards him* P-Please wait...

I ran the opposite way with my hands over my eyes to wipe my tears. I just ran and ran throughout the school hallways.......

Garroth: AGH!

I looked up from the floor with one hand on my head, one eye shut.

I saw the familiar brunette, Laurance. He looked at me with his eyes wide, his eyebrows saddended.

Laurance: ...Garroth?

Blush went onto my face, embarassed about what just happened.

*Laurance's POV*

The way Garroth was looking up at me made my cheeks turn hot. He was in such a cute position and looked so small >_<

But he was crying, and I never like to see that...

Laurance: ...Garroth?

He just stared at me, his face gaining a light pink color.

I put my hand out and he hesitated, but finally grabbed it.

His soft skin on mine felt so calming...he smelt so scrumptious.

Laurance: Are you okay, mi lady?

Ga*rroth giggles*

Garroth: I am not Ladybug!

Laurance: At least you're smiling, cutie...

I slowly got closer to his mouth

He looked shocked and did a little "k-k-kya..."

I put my finger on his lips

Laurance: It's funny seeing you go all red. Hopefully this helps distract you. I'll see you. Call me if you feel down again, sexy!~~~

I laughed as Garroth looked like he was about to explode. I then walked away, feeling his stares at my back. God i love being the top in our friendjsp.

a hopefully he feels better after that. something to keep his mind off what was bothering him.

Hmm...maybe he also wants some cute love and not the casual flirt. Ok. I will buy flowers for my love, Garroth.

When no one was looking, I went towards the front door.

*Running* Laurence: YOU WILL LOVE ME, GARROTH!

*Garroth's POV*

It's now last period...I can't believe Travis would/
NO! I can't think about that! Happy thoughts only! Now; what makes me happy..?

The thought of Laurancr popped into my mind. Jeez, that guy... why is he s-so...H-HOT?!

*Bell rings*

Oh...looks like it's time to go...
I was sad I didn't see Travis in the halls until I walked out the school and-

Laurance: Why hello there.
He said in a Cassidy accent.

Garroth: L-Laurance!!

He held a bouquet of green and blue tulips... My favorite.

Laurance: The flowers match our theme.

He handed me the flowers.
Everyone was looking at us, but Indidnt care. All i could do was blush and stutter.

Garroth: Y/Yeah...They do...Thank you, Laurance!

I squinted my eyes really hard, trying to gain confidence when i finally grabbed his face and kissed his cheek.
Laurance held his face where I kissed him.
He gave me the flowers to hold as he held onto his chest

Laurance: AHH! I'm gonna have a heartattsco from Your cuteness!  It's killing me! I'm dying!

Garroth: Hehehe...s-sorry~

Laurance: Say, let me walk you home.

Garroth: W-What?! R-Really??

My face felt like a tomoato.

Laurance: Yes aj never Lie.

Garroth: Ok...

*Time skip: At garroth house*

Garroth: L-Laurance...can i ask u something?

Laurance; of course.

Garroth: No one is home so...

Laurance: WOah what's going on in ur dirty little mind~?

Garroth: N-NO!!! NOT LIKE THAT!!
Laurance: ur so cute trying to defend yourself...

Garroth: Just....*sigh* Do you wanna come in and hang out? We can even bake together or something...

*laurance's POV*
*in mind* BAKE TOGETHER?! AHHH! IM GONNA FAinttt this is what couples do!

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