laurance's rival

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Laurance's POV
I'm seriously gonna kill this Travis guy. Who does he think he is, scaring MY Garroth?!
Laurance: It's okay, Garroth. It wasn't real.
Garroth: Thanks Laurance
Laurance: No problem Garroth
Laurance: Shall I walk you to class?

Garroth: Thanks LauranceLaurance: No problem GarrothLaurance: Shall I walk you to class?

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Laurance: Let's go then.
I put my hand out, admiring how cute he looked when blushing.
He hesitated, but then grabbed my hand.
We went to home room together
•Garroth's POV•
Garroth: ok see you later laurance
Laurance: ok bye Garroth
Garroth: H-Hey Travis...
I said, embarrassed.
Travis: Hi.
Travis: I am sorry for scaring you. Please forgive me!! I was just trying to forgive you, but I see what I did wrong now. Again, I'm very sorry.
Garroth: it's okay. just please don't do it again! i get frightened easily...
Travis: Noted.
He smiled at me and I smiled back
Suddenly the bell rang and I was off to my next class
•Travis's POV•
I was walking to class when-
Travis: AHH!
I was suddenly in the bathroom.
Travis: Again, Laurance?! If you wanna talk to me just say so.
Laurance rolled his eyes.
Laurance: I warned you, d*ckhead. Now you're gonna have to pay.
Travis: AH, WHAT THE F***?!
He punched me, causing my nose to bleed. I wiped it and looked down at my finger, and then hit him back. Soon we were both wrestling on the floor. I banged his head against the wall and he pushed me to the ground. We were both beating the bloody heck out of each other when this happened...

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