"𝘿𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙢𝙚?"

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Thursday 9:45 pm

You lay in bed staring at the blank ceiling, it's been awhile since you last saw your boyfriend Tōru; you haven't seen him due to the fact that his practices got longer, he's been working very hard for the spring preliminaries and you haven't been able to spend as much time with each other.

As much as it hurts, you know that volleyball is important to him, and as the days get longer your head gets crowded with all the thoughts that he might be falling out of love with you;

"I wonder if he misses me? Does he even love me anymore? If he really loved me he would find time for me — Right?"

"UGHHHH" you groan, positioning yourself on your stomach. "Why am I thinking like this?!" you said to yourself while picking up your phone.
"He hasn't really called me or texted in the past few days...." You thought to yourself as you dialed up his phone number.

You stayed put in the same position fidgeting with your white duvet as you waited, butterflies fill your stomach making you feel even more anxious;
"What the hell am I even gonna say to him?"

"And what's up with him and this stupid silent treatment, is he avoiding me for some certain reason?"

"No no... I'm just overreacting, he would never do such a thing.. Right?" You thought to yourself as you heard the oh so familiar 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦 

"Hey Tōru.. I miss you..Please call or text me when you have the time okay.. I know you're super busy but I just really wanna hear your voice again, I can't wait for the next time I see you.." You said aloud, directing your voice towards the phone, you could slowly feel the sadness in your heart grow larger.

"He usually always answers my calls right away..." you said to yourself.
You laid in bed thinking about all of the logical explanations as to why he didn't pick up your call, or as to why he didn't contact you any sooner. "It's only been like 3 days.. Why does it feel like I haven't seen him in ages." you said to yourself.

You just wanted to feel his love again; it's been a lifetime since you felt his embrace.
all you thought about were his soft tender lips, how you wanted them all over your own.
You wanted to feel his hand roam around your body like they once did, if only you could re-live the night he first touched you. the night where he took your sweet innocence.., The day he made you his..


Thursday 10:15 pm

You slowly open your eyes and your eyes are filled with the loud noise of your phone ringing.
It takes you a bit to comprehend what's even happening, you shift over towards the loud ringing, you pick your phone and the bright lambent light shines on your face blinding your eyes.

"Toru?" you whisper to yourself before swiping across your luminous phone screen answering the call.

"Hey baby, did i wake you up?" he said; His voice was so soothing, you missed the way he would talk, it's been long since you heard his sweet saccharine voice.
The way he talks is so mesmerizing to you, it always made you feel calm hearing his angelic voice.
And just like that the sadness that once overcame your precious little heart was drawn out by his soft and subtle words and filled it with love..

"No no you didn't, I was barely asleep." you lied, you didn't want him to feel bad for waking you up from your slumber, you didn't want him to hang up, you wanted to conversate more, you wanted to hear his voice for just a little longer.

"Baby I know you're lying to me, I can hear the drowsiness in your voice Y/N." He said with a stern voice. "No seriously Tōru I'm fine." you tried to put the drowsiness in your voice aside by clearing your throat.

"I'm sorry I couldn't call you sooner, I Just got home from the train station..."
"I really miss you baby." you could hear his voice become desolate.

"I just want you to hold me Oikawa.." you thought as you found the courage to open your mouth and tell him how you feel.

"I miss you too Tōru, I really wish I could see you." you slowly breathed out your words waiting for his response.

You hear the slight noises of him crashing onto his bed through the phone.
"I know, i really wish i could see you too.." he said, the silence grew louder after he spoke, you didn't know what to really say, you wanted to talk more but how could you respond to such a remark.

"Are you free after school tomorrow baby?" he says, waiting for your response.

"Duh, I'm always free Tōru.." you say in a playful manner trying to liven up the mood in the conversation.

"Geez Y/N, you're always so cold to me baby." he said flirtatiously.
He always was a flirt, even if he meant it or not, his flirtatious personality always made you smile.

"I am not! I'm always so nice to you, you're the one who's always so annoying and mean!"

"Who knew my princess could be so bratty!" he said with faint chuckles, he always knew how to revive a dry conversation.


You both talked for the next hour, exchanging opinions and gushing over the times you've had with each other like old married couples.
You were happy to hear his voice again, all those substandard thoughts in your head were put away at once knowing that he misses you too.

"Are you tired Y/N?"
"Not really.." you lied once again, you didn't want your time together to end soo abruptly, you wanted to listen to him more, for you loved all his stories and his opinions on dumb topics.

"Stop lying Y/N, I know you're tired, I kind of am too." he says while letting out a lengthy breath.
"Fine, I'm exhausted, but I don't want this to end Tōru, I want to keep talking to you, it's been days since I've seen you..... I just wanna listen to your voice a little more" you say in one breath, you really did miss that boy and his stupidly hot face.

"You have to get your sleep if you wanna see me tomorrow, I don't want to hang out with a sleepy Y/N." he says perkishly.

"Shut up Tōru! I'm not gonna be tired."

"Whatever Y/N I'm going to bed, I love you princess and I'll see you tomorrow." His tone is now soft and delicate.

"I love you too babe, sleep well."
You hear the beeping as he hangs up the phone, you fall back onto your mountain of pillows and set your phone on to your nightstand.

It rests your mind knowing he's doing well.
You close your eyes and relax as you slowly drift to sleep fantasizing about what could possibly happen tomorrow.

            ~END OF CHAPTER 1~

3unnie/ RR here!!!!
This is the first chapter of my first fanfic!! Isn't that super exciting!!!!!!!
I know that this chapter is pretty bland :(
But that's besides the point because the next few chapters are gonna be better and spicy!
I have so many ideas for the next few chapters.
I hope you guys find this fanfic to be interesting, I've been working on it everyday, I've also made a couple of chapters in advance!!
Sorry if there are any minor grammatical mistakes!

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