"𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨"

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                                   CHAPTER 3

Saturday 6:00 am

You slowly opened your eyes, fluttering them a few times, you finally separated your eyelids from each other while stretching your arms as you had just woken up.
You look down at the white polyester sheets lifting them up enough to peek down at your unclothed body.

"It's really cold" before you could finish thinking you feel the left side of the bed move as Oikawa turns to you and pulls your naked body in closer, engulfing your body into a warm cuddle.

"Good morning princess" he slurs with a small smile and closed eyes as he is still half asleep.

"Morning baby" you say as you caress his cheek playing with his velvety hair.
You felt Oikawa's warm body all over yours; you no longer felt cold as you slipped into his warm embrace.

You slowly tucked your head right under his chin breathing in his morning after sex musk; you didnt want to admit it  but even the way he smelled was hot.

The both of you rested for a good while before a loud ringing filled your ears making you jump in Oikawa's arms.

Oikawa turns his body to face the deafening noise, "Oh shit" he exclaims in an exaggerated tone. He picks up his phone in a haste swiping right on the call button.

You couldn't quite see who was calling him, "who the fuck is calling him this early in the morning?" you questioned yourself; you didn't want to be an overprotective girlfriend, how could you. You knew that wherever Oikawa went, an entourage of girls would follow right behind, and you didn't want to stress over the small stuff, you knew Oikawa was a good guy and he would never cheat on you.

"Where the fuck are you shithead?!" said Iwazumi in a angry tone over the phone, your mind was at ease knowing it was just Iwa.
"Your fucking late again you dickwad!"

"dick- wad" you whispered, laughing quietly at Oikawa getting his ass handed to him over the phone.

Oikawa rubbed his eyes still tried from the night before,"Your soo fucking mean to me Iwa! I just woke up a little late, I'll be at the gym soon!" he said in a haste.

"You better not be slacking all of a sudden shittykawa, this is important!" Iwa's tone got louder and staticky through the phone, "I know, I know, i'll be there soon." he said hanging up the phone, as soon as the call ended he fell back into bed, his face gave off a very strained expression that made you a bit worried.

Oikawa quickly changed his expression and turned his head towards your direction giving the most perfect genuine smile you had ever seen, even though he had just been reprimanded by Iwazumi he never failed to put on the purest smile just for you.

"Why are you smiling like that?" you utter while sitting up and pulling the polyester sheets up to cover your cold disrobed body.

"Can I not smile at my Girlfriend?!"

"Tōru, just a second ago you looked exhausted, don't tell me you're overworking yourself again."— you hated how he would push himself..

"I'm not, I swear, I'm just a bit tired, it's your fault really,I mean you were practically snoring in my ear all night." he said jokingly.

"I was not! I don't snore Tōru!" you exclaimed as you threw the pillow at him.

"OW! That hurt you asshole!" he giggled.
"asshole? Since when was that a name option for me?" your facial expression was priceless —it made Oikawa's smile even bigger.

Suddenly a bright flash blinded your eyes as Oikawa took a quick photo of you on his phone.

"Got it!" he says, he sounded very proud of what he had just done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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