"𝙄 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪"

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                                  CHAPTER 2

Friday 5:18 pm

You sat waiting outside the gym patiently for your boyfriend as he was finishing up practice unusually early.

You inhaled the warm spring air while fidgeting the edge of your skirt, it was getting late and the sun started to set, your ears were filled with voices and loud thuds that came from inside of the gym.

It's been approximately three days since you last saw your lover, and today was the day you both decided to squeeze in time for each other. You thought about your late night chat with him; oh how you loved every bit of it.

You felt uneasy but yet so eager to see him again.
You space out and get lost in your thoughts, thinking about how much you missed his touch and his presence in general...... Not long after spacing out you hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Y/N, I missed you baby'' said Tōru as he stood by the door frame reaching his hand down stroking your head of hair.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, I really am."  He said soft and angelic, the way his words just roll out of his mouth with such ease makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter more than before.

You couldn't decide whether you should hug him or give him a kiss, you hadn't seen him in days and he's acting all nonchalant like he was never gone, you finally open your mouth and exchange your first words, "It's okay Tōru, I didn't mind waiting—plus you're here now, and that's all I really care about," you smiled with the most alluring eyes.

Tōru took a moment to regain his focus after staring into your lecherous eyes, he loved your eyes; The way they could look so innocent but still have a seductive sort of glare to them.

Your appearance made his mouth water as he looked down at your soft lips; you were always so beautiful to him, and the fact that he hadn't seen you in days made him even more hungry for your affection.

"Are you Ready to go?... We should really get going  before Iwazumi finds something to lecture me about," he said with a soft chuckle moving his hand down to your chin lifting your head up to face him.
Iwazumi wasn't the only reason why Tōru wanted to leave so quickly, he wanted to spend more time with you to make up for his absence as soon as possible.

You stood up and patted your uniform skirt as Oikawa smoothly slid his hand into your back pocket with a small grin. You loved it; you loved how his warm hand felt against your body, and the way his arm arches around you, you become absolutely feeble to his touch, it's as if he were your only weakness.

You were overwhelmed with many emotions, butterflies filled your stomach as you thought to yourself "Why does this feel so awkward? He knows damn well whats hes doing; that smirk and his stupid hot face, He's practically tempting me!!"

Oikawa guides your body with his hand still in your back pocket. "Tōru where are we going?! This isn't the way to my house,".
"I know it isn't Y/N, we're heading to my house — I know we only agreed to hang out for a while, but I wanna make it up to you baby."

This wasn't the first time Oikawa dragged you to his house, and it wasn't gonna be the last. You knew exactly what was going to happen, but you wanted it...
You wanted to feel him, to feel his soft lips pressed up against yours....
You wanted to feel his warm breath against your skin.....

You wanted to feel his love, it had been too long since you've felt his embrace; this was what you've been waiting for; those three days apart made the both of you crave for one another even more.


You make your way through the front door as Oikawa holds it open, you remove your shoes and before you can do anything Oikawa pulls you from behind and holds you close, you feel his heated body against yours.

𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙎𝙤𝙛𝙩 𝙇𝙞𝙥𝙨Where stories live. Discover now