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Hello my friends!
The time has come again for this book to be updated!

Happy pride 2021!

I would like to provide you all with the information that I am not only bisexual, but also aromantic and genderfluid!
It's been a long journey but I'm quite happy with where I am with my identity :)

And just like me, you too can and will find yourself and what you feel comfortable with. It might not happen right away, it could take months or even years to figure it out. But it is so, so worth it.

This year has been long, confusing, painful, and exhausting. Regardless of if you are in the LGBTQIA+ community or not, I am so proud of you for making it. You should be proud of yourself as well.

To those who are figuring out or have just recently figured out their identity, the road is long and winding. You will face challenges and adversity. But with it comes love and acceptance for yourself. If there's one thing I could have told my younger self who didn't even know what their sexuality was, it would be this:

It's ok to not be sure of yourself. It's ok to take your time. You're not obligated to share anything about yourself. Your happiness is a priority.
And don't be scared. I know you may be. I know that while you may be afraid to be true to yourself, or to enter a whole new community, you need to understand that you are not alone. Never. You will always have people behind you. Rooting for you.

You deserve to be comfortable. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be healthy and treated with kindness and respect. Regardless of what you identify as.

You are worthy.

To people who have been in the community for some time and those who have been supporting me for years now, thank you! Thank you for being here. You've struggled. You've fought. And you're here. That is such a huge accomplishment. So many of you have gone through hell and back just so you could be sitting here reading this today.

I am so incredibly proud of you.

And thank you all for the tremendous support on this book! It's been a joy to hear of all of your stories and experiences. You're all beautiful and magnificent people.

Please take some time this month to remember, learn about, and commemorate those who have fought for our rights. Those who did not get to live their truths. Those who fought tooth and nail just to have our voices heard.

Pay attention to the world currently as well. In the United States alone there are bills and laws being made and attempted to pass in order to oppress those within this community and outside. We have a long way to go. But we've come so far already and there's no stopping the fight.

Also pay attention to non-lgbt issues such as BLM, the fight against AAPI hate, Indigenous issues across the world, the effects of covid in countries outside of North America and how to help them, and the continued genocides that governments try to sweep under the rug.

Please check out the Trevor Project should you or anyone you know need their services, and consider donating if you have the means of doing so! (If anyone knows any charities or organizations that help LGBTQ+ please feel free to comment them!)

Above all else, take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and others,

and have pride :) ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎🏳️‍🌈

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