Chapter 2: Park

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     The two had finished shopping, Spirit had chosen the first shirts and pants he could find meanwhile Senpai had forced them to look around every single store for a good outfit selection. The two were now walking around town, Spirit had placed the duck plushie inside one of his bags as they walked to the park. Spirit had decided on the park of all places because there were a lot of people there, thus making it an ideal spot to find Senpai's crush.

"Wow, it really is a nice day out!" Senpai complimented the weather as they looked around.

"Yeah, I guess... Anyway, we should really go find anyone that could be your potential crush."

     Spirit quickly changed the conversation as they walked. That was when they spotted a group of people at a basketball court. Whitty and Hex were playing a game while Carol watched, Hex was clearly at a disadvantage due to Whitty's height.

"Hey Senpai! Hey Spirit! You guys up for a round or two?"

     Hex asked cheerfully as the two walked up to them.

"Ah, no thanks! We're looking around for something right now!" Senpai politely declined.

"It's not often we see you two at the park, what are you looking for? Whitty's tall, maybe we can help!" Carol offered.

"What's my height got to do with anything?" Whitty objected as soon as he registered Carol's words.

"No, it's not exactly... Tangible. And knowing you guys you probably can't help anyway."

     Senpai felt a strange itchy feeling in his throat suddenly, like something was stuck in it and it was starting to bother him. Everyone else chatted for a bit, mostly just everyone checking up on each other when Hex noticed Senpai hadn't spoken a word since the conversation started.

"Are you ok, Senpai? You look pale!" Hex asked, and Whitty and Carol nodded in agreement.

"Hey, you need to sit down? There's a bench nearby if you want to sit and tal-"

     Senpai interuptted Spirit with a nod as he spoke.

"Yeah, I'm fine real-"

Senpai interuptted himself with a series of coughs as he fell to the ground.

"Senpai, are you ok!?" Hex exclaimed as everyone rushed up to Senpai, panic evident on their faces.

     Senpai had finally finished coughing, a bunch of petals falling out along with something even more surprising: blood.

"SENPAI WHAT HAPPENED!?" Whitty shouted as Senpai slowly heaved as he attempted to breathe normally.

     Carol grabbed a napkin and wiped the blood off of Senpai's mouth.

"Shit, it's only getting worse..." Spirit mumbled as he helped Senpai slowly get up.

"What's getting worse!? What's going on!?" Hex cried out, him and Whitty were also helping Senpai up now.

"You ever heard of Hanahaki?" Spirit asked, and Carol responded with,

"Yeah, that thing in like every slow burn fanfic that gives people an excuse to confess to each other? What about it?"

"Well, Senpai has it. It was real in his game, and now that he's in the real world he must've caught feelings for someone and caught it. Problem is we don't know who."

"Sorry I'm lost. What the hell is Hanahaki? And what's it got to do with catching feelings?" Whitty asked as they placed Senpai on the nearest bench so he could relax.

"It's a supposedly fictional disease where someone has feelings for someone but they feel too insecure to do anything about it. Those insecurities lead to them coughing petals, and it gets worse until they... die."

"That can't be good..." Whitty gasped out as Senpai finally spoke up.

"I-It's fine..! We-we still have time before I... yeah."

"Senpai this isn't supposed to go by so fast! I don't think you understand, if things keep going this fast you... you could be dead by tomorrow!"

"Wait how exactly does this disease go away?" Whitty interuptted suddenly.

"Senpai has to confess to his crush, but they also have to feel the same way..."

"I-If it helps, I don't think I feel anything towards anyone h-here..." Senpai breathed out.

"Well, if your looking for a place with lots of people, I suggest going to the church! Plenty of people go there!" Carol pitched in.

"We all wish you the best of luck! Please don't die on us, Senpai!"

     Hex exclaimed as they said their goodbyes, Spirit helping Senpai walk as they headed off to the church.

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