Chapter 9

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((A/N: Might be updating this more, I dunno, the more I type, the more I wanna get into the story with you guys. I'm already writing The Elementalists 3 on another composition book, so why not get back into the basics?))


(Virginia's POV)


"Did he say... Drunken Dragons Guild House?" I think in my head as I notice the little friend of his jumped up in shock.


"Are you kidding?!" he whispered, abit aggressively. "We cant let her in!"


"Yes we can. We- no. Everybody knows Keratia isnt a school, more of a military organization. Thats why its headquarters instead of school. Vector gave us the guild, we can put anyone in it, "student" or not." Norick replied.


"Sven would flip, we dont have that much room for another-"


"Merrick. Dude." Norick cut him off. "We have 8 people. We can fit in one more, easily in fact." he raised an eyebrow. "Anyways, why do you care? Why are you rejecting a woman's company, I'd never think that would happen."


"That's Milton. And he left off for another country shortly after you woke from your coma."


So many names this soon is already confusing me. "Uhh... guys?"


"Oh, sorry." Norick turned to me. "Let's go."

(Sven's POV)


I've been all alone here for who knows how long. Izzy went shopping with the other girls, Merrick and Norick left, Dusk went off to do.... whatever. And the leader is doing nothing. No plans, no ideas. Maybe I am too left-brained.... I should probably get a life.


I hear the door open and shut as I head to the entrance. "Hey you two, finally back?"


"Define finally, "sir". How long would it take YOU to defeat a freaking turtle?!" Merrick snapped as I noticed a beautiful woman between the two of them. She seemed so bubbly and vibrant, but I wonder why she was here.


"Who is this?"


The woman stepped up. "My name is Virginia S- I mean, Virginia Moon." she bows elegantly. "I would love to join the Drunken Dragons."


I raised an eyebrow. It would be rude to deny such a woman. "Nice to meet you. We would love to have you, but you must prove yourself worthy."


"And how must I prove myself?"


"Show me your talent. I'd like to see you go up against.... Merrick. With this battle, your talents will be analyzed, and I shall make my decision."


Norick then stepped up. "Hold on!" he shouted. "Why does she need a test? I never got one, nor did Izzy!"

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