Deep Longing

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"Why are you here again?" Keeta asked without looking up from her newest painting.  Set had shown up less than thirty minutes ago, but had said nothing as he watched her. She had decided to ignore him in the hopes he would go away but that wasn't working. 

The paintings she did of Pompeii were the last time she'd picked up a brush and paints. It was hard to stare at the images that reflected her memory. Yet, she missed home. She wanted to see it other than in her memories. So, she began.

Minutes turned into hours until she had been at the canvas well into the next morning. Her shoulders were stiff and achy as she stretched, but she was finished. In front of, a red and orange dusk mixed in the sky with the setting sun. The village where she grew up nestled between trees and an oasis just off to the side. Birds flew in the air on traces of the wind that she had made visible.

Two figures stood out amongst the whole painting. An elderly man and his wife, holding each other adoringly while their eyes seemed to focus off canvas. Her mother and father. Every line, every wrinkle, she had memorized and brought them to life once more for the first time in centuries. Tears stung her eyes. She wanted to reach out and trace them but didn't risk smudging the wet paint.

"Mwt, Yt, I miss you so much. I hope that your souls are happy." She whispered tearfully.

Set's presence behind her brought her back from her memories. "You are sad again."

It wasn't a question. A statement to which she felt his breath on the back of her neck.

"I am human. I get sad." She retorted while cleaning the brushes.

Set then took her into his arms and turned her to face him. His eyes were so dark and weary and yet she still felt the same warmth in them that she had felt so long ago. How easy would it be to just give into him and have him hold her.

"It pains me to see you so heartbroken, my love." His ragged whisper struck her.

Her hard expression met his. "You are the cause of my heartbreak." She dared to whisper.

He closed his eyes as if she had struck him and nodded. "You're right, I am. I am the soul reason you are like this and why your heart ceases to heal." He licked his lips and sighed. "I wish to show you something."

Keeta took a step back, but he held her still. "I am not going back into the past. That was way too painful, Set."

He smirked. "Love it when you say my name with such ferocity." She gave him a dry look. "It isn't the past, it's a memory. Will you allow me to show you?"

Keeta sighed. She didn't want to, but she was feeling vulnerable. She admitted to herself what she wouldn't dare to admit aloud. She didn't want him to leave. She didn't want to be alone right now. Not when memories of her parents stung so much.

Without a word, she nodded and was instantly taken back in time. Pillars of white gold met her eyes. The scent of lotus blossoms drifted in the air. The sun sparkled against the columns and tiny pools throughout the room. It was absolutely beautiful.

"You're nothing but a monster, what woman would willingly have you in her bed? You disgust me!"

His wife, Nephthys, charming Goddess that she was, hurled the insult at him as he stalked away from her and her new lover. He had gone to her chamber unknowing that she had company. It had long since been that he had shared a bed with her. Not since the night she birthed their child and it died in his arms. She was all but relieved stating that she didn't want to raise a beastly God. She had then cast him out of her bed much the same as his father had casted him out into the desert to rule over and protect Egypt with his mighty army. It was all he was good for and the scars on his body proofed it.

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