Chapter 20

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When it comes time to pick out a puppy, you're over prepared. You know exactly what kind of puppy you want around Summer and what kind of food it needs, how easy it will be to train it and how much you're going to love the puppy. You're sure she's going to love it too. You head to the animal rescue after Brittany and Summer leave the school.

Inside, you're greeted by a woman that you've talked to on the phone many times with questions that you're sure she's way over qualified to answer. Summer is bouncing on her toes while you tell the woman who you are. She smiles kindly at you and says that she remembers you. You follow the woman into an adjacent room where all the puppies are in separate pins, jumping around and barking their high pitched yelps.

You walk to the kennel that the woman told you that you had asked her about before and you see a little puppy in there. His blonde hair is a shade darker than Summer's and he hops over his kennel companions to get to you. The second Summer sees him, you know that he's the one she wants.

Brittany just smiles at the two of you being excited about the puppy. The woman and Brittany seem to know that you and Summer have set your hearts on this one and she goes to get a collar and a leash.

Summer plays with the puppy in the lobby while you and Brittany fill out the paperwork and pay. He keeps jumping up and down, and running around Summer, getting her tangled up in the leash.

Once the puppy is home, you and Brittany sit on the couch and watch Summer play with him. He tries to get to some of the Christmas ornaments on the tree, but he can't reach and just ends up falling over himself. You readjust your head on Brittany's shoulder and ask Summer, "What's his name?"

"I don't know yet," Summer says after thinking for a moment, "I have to play with him first to figure out his name."

You smile up at Brittany and she smiles at you. She gives you a kiss. "Are you sure you're going to be okay tomorrow with Summer and the puppy while I go see Natalia tomorrow?"

"I'll be fine," you assure her. And you're sure that that's right until the next evening.

"Summer," you look at her and put your hands on your hips, "It's time for bed."

"But Mommy's not here," Summer pouts.

You run a hand through your hair. "She told me she wants you to go to bed. You have school tomorrow. As soon as she gets back she'll come in and say goodnight to you."

Summer frowns hard at you, "I don't want to go to bed."

You try to think of a way to get her at least into her room. Brittany's never going to let you watch Summer by yourself again if she gets home late and Summer isn't in bed. You stand up and take Summer's hand, "C'mon. I'll read you a book."

As you walk, the puppy runs after you, almost missing the door to Summer's room because he can't get traction on the wooden floor. He bounds into the room and tries to jump up on the bed, but he's just too small. You pick him up and put him on the bed. He licks Summer a few times before jumping down. He lies on your feet that are on the floor and stays there the whole time you're reading Summer a book. You picked a fairly long one so by the time you're done, Summer is asleep.

You kiss her goodnight and turn on her nightlight, smiling to yourself. You actually feel like you can do this. You make your way into the living room to wait for Brittany and the puppy runs after you. When you fall down on the couch, he jumps up after you. You love this little guy. He trips over himself and your body before coming to rest in your arms.

You turn on some soft music and look at your phone, wondering where Brittany is. You know that she said that it would be a while because she is going to dinner with Natalia to talk, but you miss her. As sad at that is, you really miss her and you saw her this morning over breakfast.

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