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Ursa and Noren held hands as they entered the valley. In the nights, they would climb trees and enjoy each other's presence. They made a small hut for themselves. Once, Noren tried making a fire in the rain while Ursa held a big leaf above him. They would go hunting together, and eat around a fire. 

'Oh, come on! My cooking's not that bad!'

'You're right. It's better than the dirt pie you made yesterday. Maybe I should do all the cooking from now on.'

'Ha ha! And maybe that was my plan all along!'

They stopped when they heard something. 'Noren, is that...?'

'The wolf spirit. That means we're in the right place. Mother of Faces must be near.' Ursa hung her head in sadness.

'Don't be sad, Ursa. This is what you want. With a new face, you might be able to see your kids again.' Noren comforted.

'These last few months, living in the first with you....I feel like I've final,y found my place in the world.'

'Maybe there's another option! What if you bring your kids back to Hira'a? We could all live together, like a family!'

'You don't know what Ozai is like. I wouldn't just be endangering me and my children, I'd be endangering you. And probably the whole town.'

'Let's go.' Mother of Faces emerged from the lake. Ursa walked up to the giant spirit. 

'Human, what do you ask of me?'

'Mother of Faces, pardon this intrusion. My name is Ursa. I-....I heard you can give me a new face-...a new identity.'

'Why would a human of such beauty desire a new face? Would you be willing to accept one much plainer than your own?'

'Any face will do, as long as it's new.'

'Ursa, I sense much pain in you. Do you really believe a new face will relieve you of this pain?'

'No. Of course not.  My pain comes from memories of a life that I did not choose for myself.'

'I can do more than give you a new face. I can give you a new mind- one that does not remember the life that came before.'

She looked at Noren. 'Will I forget him?'

'Is he part of a life you wish to forget?'


'Then you will remember him.'

'How about my children? Will I remember my children?'

'Are they part of a life you wish to forget?'


'Then you will not remember them.'

She put her hands to her face and tears formed in her eyes.

'You must decide.

'Zuko...Azula...I'm so horrible...'

'Do you wish to have both a new face and a new mind?'


'Hold still.'

Mother of Faces leaned down and grabbed Ursa's face. Her face started to glow. 'AHHH-!' She screamed.

'Ursa!' He rushed to his old love just as Mkther of Faces finished. Ursa stumbled around, her eyes closed as Mother of Faces submerged into the lake. 'Noren! Where are you?'

They hug. 'Noren...?'

'I'm right here! I'm right here. I'll always be right here.'

The Life of UrsaWhere stories live. Discover now