Chapter 34: Tell Me How You really Feel

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Rain forecasts came in the papers with time and location for the week's span of showers. Citizens were able to join a waitlist to be served water as the demands got higher.

It rained heavily on the grounds of Orhem during the early morning. Reyes sat in Sonali's room, legs pulled from the ground and crossed in the chair. His brown hair fell down the back of his white button down and brushed the seat. "Why did you ask me here?"

Sonali stood against the wall, peering out the window. Her gold dress hugged her waist and flared out, covering her heels. Her blonde hair had grown to her shoulders in the six months. The diamond stud in her nose repeated itself eight times along her ears. "He didn't show," she said quietly.

"For the party? He went to Belcrest."

"He promised to make it back to be with me."

"Sonali, we can only meet like this for important reasons. He got held up there, perhaps."

"But I asked for him to accompany me the night prior. It isn't fair that she is constantly put before me."

"Her sister is recovering—"

"Even so!" She stomped. "He would be with her whether her sister was ill or not."

"It is how he is. If it were you, he would do the same."

"Then that does not make me special. I am envious. Not even does he wear his band, nor does he speak to me, or look at me."

Reyes turned his attention to the downpour outside the window. "Isn't it a beauty? The drought is over. South Sea is still toxic as ever, but admire the progress. In time, he shall restore it all."

Walking towards him, she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Give it time. Zayd is overwhelmed at the moment. He was forced into this."

She knelt before him and he looked down at her, wondering why she was crying and what he should do to comfort her.

"Am I too soft?"

She was definitely too soft. "No."

"I think so."

"Do not allow Lady Phina to get to you."

"This is not about her. I am allowing Sir Zayd to slip from me. I must insist on him attending events with me, speaking with me, wearing his band."

"No," Reyes said firmly. "If you wish, speak with him, but you cannot insist—"

"You have said your peace. But if I do not fight for him, how can I call myself his wife? He deserves a Lady who is willing to fight." Sonali stood. "Thank you." She left her room.


After classes ended, Sonali went to find Zayd in the study lounge. He was always there. It was where she would see them together before her proposal was accepted. She always wanted to be the one to sit there with him. So how fortunate. He was there. Alone. An empty seat right next to him, begging her to sit. "May I?" she asked him.

"Of course." His beautiful eyes were hidden behind a book. Amputation. He had exams less than two weeks away, but he was not studying. Life After Amputation was more important. "I apologize for not being able to make it," he said. His blond hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. It looked like glass. She wanted to touch it. If he had said so the night before, she would've been willing to forgive him. A fresh scrape near his face was healing. She wanted to ask about it, but he probably wouldn't tell her.

"What happened to your face? By your ear?" she asked.

He touched his ear and his finger lowered to the scrape. "Oh. I didn't realize that was there."

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