Interlude 4

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Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Assassination Classroom do not belong to me, they belong to their respected owners. Thank you!

Honestly, Sawada Tsunayoshi was an enigma to Mukuro. The younger teen was scrawny and had a weak appearance, yet he also had a determined heart and had a hidden courage that many people seemed to dismiss. The part that confused Mukuro the most was that Tsuna was just so goddamn accepting. He could help but wonder "why?". The thought of never finding out how the brunette stayed remarkably understanding and empathetic was so aggravating.

It pissed him off very much.

He wasn't delusional. Even if he feels like he going to go insane staying in one spot for so fucking long, he wouldn't delude himself into thinking Tsuna didn't have some type of agenda. There was just no way he didn't have one; no one was just as nice as he was without wanting something. He just didn't know what.

This was the part that perplexed him.

He just couldn't comprehend it.

Moving on, he couldn't believe what his dearest Nagi was doing. Maybe it was the way she was raised (being raised by neglectful parents for so long and then being left for dead by them didn't quite leave you with a good decision process), though he was probably just reaching for something (it sounded so ridiculous). Despite the fact that Vongola was for sure planning something, he, himself, still owed him for actively trying to get him out of Vendicare (a skeptical part whispered it was just naive, wishful thinking). Nagi had somehow been fed into following the older brother (the sheltered, favored brother who had a lick of a chance for a good future―quickly dismissed for the younger brother who clearly had no chance of having any future) and in turn, ignored the brunette. The brunette who had allowed her to join his group of troublesome teenagers (who also ignored the boy―how perfect).

He couldn't help but become angry with her (which was awfully rare to feel towards her), though he didn't dare saying anything about it.

Loyalty only goes so far...

But he couldn't help but become more angry with himself that he couldn't do anything about it.














(Please don't leave me here.)

1.1 pages · 341 words

Oof I don't really know where I was going with this.

Edit: I actually like this lol

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