Chapter 9

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Tsuna shifts in his chair, his bangs slightly falling into his eyes as he reads the question in front of him. His pencil scratches at his paper, answering the question, and repeats with the next problem. The teacher in charge of their class during testing was purposely creating irritating and distracting noises, loudly coughing and tapping at his podium.

From his seat he sneers, "You Class E lot better not cheat or anything like that, 'cause we main building teachers are watching you reeeaaally closely."

Tsuna rolls his eyes but ignores him, putting the arrogant man to the back of his mind and reading his test carefully.

'Departing from Point R to... Point P leaving... Point A fixed distance come to a stop at--'

Then, it was like there was a huge monster in front of him, and that he had a rigid grip around a gun rather than a normal pencil. The beast attacks, destroying his desk and instilling panic within Tsuna.

'I was warned about this, but the school's test are on such a different level, especially compared to Namimori Middle's!'

Inhaling, he forces himself to calm down and rereads the problem. He tries to think back to what Korosensei had gone over, what Reborn had beaten into him, but for some reason, his mind is going completely blank. He ends up getting cornered by the figurative monster and could feel its breath in his face, and he slowly starts to give in. Suddenly, he gets hit in the head with a familiar weight.

"Where is your resolve, Dame-Tsuna?"

It was Reborn, standing right beside his now-fallen self. Another voice appears, more soothing than Reborn's chiding tone.

"I taught you this, didn't I?"

A tentacle wraps around his wrist, gently lifting the arm that held his weapon. It was Korosensei.

"It isn't some unidentifiable monster. Let's try taking a better look at this flipper," the teacher suggests, and Tsuna does what he's told. "See? If you calm down, you'll see that it is nothing more than a flipper."

'Point R was moving... Point P began to many seconds later will--'

"Work through each piece of the question individually." The monster started to form into something more harmless as Tsuna follows the advice. "And when you connect them all together and look at the result..." It was a normal fish. "There. It's really not much of an opponent, is it?"

Reborn cuts in, tutting, "You've fought and won against much worse."

"Now then, let's use your weapon to deal with it."

Tsuna points the gun in his hands and shoots at floating fish, like if he were at a strange carnival booth.

'I get it! The trick to working out the important parts of each sentence in the question.' Tsuna smiles, writing as neatly as he can in his answer document. 'All of it is just as Korosensei taught us at Mach speed! And what Reborn shot into me until I understood it completely...'*

His focus returns, and soon, he's going through the problem with less complications. The teacher looks incredulously at the class, mouth agape. He couldn't believe that the class of third years were progressing through the test so quickly. Eventually, the classmates were at the same problems, celebrating their win against another beast.

'It's as if we are completely different people than we were before--ones who can solve this! If the question is like this, we can do it!'

They took down the next monster, and the next, and the next, until--

Question eleven.

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