Chapter 7

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Warning: slight language, mentioning of Karma's assassination attempt (really just the word, "falling")

Tsuna's face wrinkles up at the sudden sound that came from his side table. He blindly reaches out with his hand, patting at the surface until he finds a rectangle shape. He feels for the button, pressing it once he finds it. He flips on to his side, back facing the alarm clock, as he snuggles into his pillow. He dozes off, feeling warm and comfortable, until the annoying alarm goes off again, five minutes later.

This cycle happens again two more times before Tsuna finally gets up, rubbing his slightly dry eyes. He rolls out of bed and starts to get ready for the day. Soon, he wanders into the kitchen, grabbing an apron and his phone. He turns his phone off and goes to search up a certain type of recipe.

He had a tiny hitman to repay.


"The experiment to extract food coloring from candy is now over! I will collect the leftover candy."

"It's not payday yet, so he's stocking up on snack during class. We're the ones who bought those, you know!"

"Why is the guy who's going to destroy the Earth living from paycheck to paycheck?"

Tsunayoshi could feel his eye twitch as Korosensei swiftly sweeps up the leftovers from the science experiment. With a sigh, he rubs at his eyes. He should've put in some eye drops; his eyes were heavy and slightly dry from yesterday. He had cried for what seem to be an hour but what was only under twenty minutes. Reborn had stay by his side, silently comforting him with his presence and his hand rubbing at his back. In return, Tsuna had made a small Italian breakfast, along with a cup of freshly brewed espresso.

Noticing movement going past him, Tsuna looks over to see Okuda nervously going up to Korosensei, holding a beaker and some viles of unknown liquids.

"U-Um, Sensei..." She holds the substances up to the yellow teacher. "These contain poison! Please drink them!"

Everyone looks at the girl incredulously. Tsuna, who was also in shock, couldn't help but feel a bit of hope that this assassination attempt would go okay for the girl.

"Okuda-san," even Korosensei was a little surprised, "this is certainly another straightforward assassination attempt."

Okuda stammers, "I-I'm not good at surprise attacks like everyone else... but chemistry is my strong point so I put my all into making these!"

It was clear that she was passionate, and that only made Tsuna grip his hands together more, closely watching along with everyone else, who sweat-drops.

"My goodness." Korosensei takes the poisons. "Well then, down the hatch."

He drinks the liquids, causing everyone to look on with even more disbelief. Suddenly, he starts to sweat.

"Th-this is..."

Horns sprout out of his head.

"This taste like sodium hydroxide. it would be harmful if drunk by humans, but it is ineffective against me," he hands one of the the viles back to Okuda.

"I see..."

"There are still two left, right?"


"Well, then."

He pours the next vile into his mouth. Then wings grow out of the sides of his head.

"This tastes like thallium acetate. Now, the last one."

This time it's the beaker. The horns and wings disappear and his head changes color. It went from a yellow to a gray, his signature grin replaced with a blank expression.

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