The House Of Night

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As we flew I asked Nyx questions and she asked me hers, obviously, it took me a while to get all my questions out,

"Where are we going?"

"Are we almost there yet?"

You get the drift, however, the questions Nyx asked me were much more interesting,

"Do you know what a Chakra is Percy," I thought about it but nothing came to mind so I shook my head. "I guess we will start with the basics, Chakras are swirling pools of energy that are located throughout the body, each has a specific purpose and is blocked by a toxic emotion. In order to properly prepare your body for the Graces you will acquire, your body needs to be purged of such toxicity, or the darkness it brings might be too much."

"But Nyx, Tartarus already bestowed his Grace upon me, what does that mean?"

"You will survive, he marked you for a reason, but it all the more imperative that succeed. You must open all seven of your Chakras. Also, as we approach my house you will need to close your eyes, the things you might see are not meant to be seen by mortal eyes."

We continued to fly I saw something up in the distance, and that was all it took, I firmly closed my eyes, and the Goddess next to me chuckled and said

"Well, it seems you do listen, yes, it is time."

Nyx did give me a warning when she began to land, but falling out of the sky, blind, with nothing but a railing to cling onto is scary, and I had faced plenty of horrors in the last however long I had been here. I was then escorted out of the chariot and up a few stairs by the Primordial. We walked for a few minutes before she spoke

"My house should hopefully be giving you visions as we go from room to room, the first of which is right up here," we walked into a new room and the only reason I could tell was that something changed, I still had my eyes closed but instead of seeing nothing as I had been for the past ten minutes, I was standing in a cave. It was so large that a battleship could have fit comfortably inside it, I was at the center on a large flat boulder, stalagmites, and stalactites grew together from the ceiling and floor respectively and there was a thick sheen of fog blanketing the cavern's floor. Nyx spoke off to my right and I turned my head in her direction, and when I did, I jumped, my eyes were still closed but Nyx appeared in my head. she sat down and crossed her legs in some form of meditation. I quickly followed her example

"First we will open the earth Chakra located at the base of the spine, it deals with survival and is blocked by fear, what are you most afraid of, let your fears become clear to you," as she spoke I began to get flashes of other things, I guess my fears. The first was my mom she had a bruise on her cheek, and she was crying. The second at half-blood hill laying in their blood were the bodies of my friends, Rachel, Leo, Thalia, Nico, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and so many others. "Percy your visions are not real, you are concerned for the survival of yourself and others, but you must surrender those fears, let your fears flow down the river" her words soothed my mind. With a renewed vigor I concentrated on letting go, they would do me no good clouding my judgment and restricting my actions, and with one deep breath, I let go.

"You have opened your earth Chakra, congratulations, but now you must stand up so that we may continue on to the next location."

Again, I did what I was told and stood up before the goddess held my arm and we started walking, as soon as we left the room we had just been in my apparition of the beautiful cave vanished to be replaced by darkness. It proved to be a short walk as not less than a minute later we walked into another room, or so I assumed because a new vision overtook my mind.

I stood on a tall rock that jutted up from the ground, there was rock high above me like an overhang, but the massive waterfall dominating the landscape caught my eye, this was an element I was comfortable with, water. So in preparation I sat down and waited for Nyx to speak, and...

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