Not This Again

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Mom, I do not want to go to school."

"You have to go Nick, just grow up and deal with it. You are not staying home."

"But im not feeling good."

"You have tried that before it wint work, you have to go."


Thank God he is finally gone

Now I can get ready for work. This is already my third job I got fired from my last two for being late all the time I cant be late again.

"SHIT IT'S 7 ALREADY! I got 15 minutes to get to work."

I quickly run to the fridge grab my leftover pizza and a water bottle and run to the car. I drize so fast that even a race car couldn't keep up even if it tried. I would not be late never again.

I got to work and it was an average day. Lots of people calling in accidents and other claims for insurance. I can tell it will be a long day when I got an email from corporate office.

Attention all employees. Today we will be having a mandatory seminar. All employees must attend or you will be let go. Topics covered include procedures, harassment, violations, attire, and TARDINESS.

great just what I need more stress for my day. The seminar would be held at noon. Great so now I cant go home for lunch. Right before the seminar Nick calls me and just says that today will be different and that he will be going back to school.

That cant be good.

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