Life Worth Living

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Authors Note: *If you imagine it you will be able to understand this book. (like a movie)

*Baby Cries

     There I was, a baby. My mother and I have been hiding for one year now. But then the outlaws that we've been hiding from found us. They knew where we lived. From now on there was no more hiding but there was only running.

     My mother was holding me tight while running, making sure I wouldn't make a sound.

*Baby Cries

      I cried out. The outlaws spotted us. This time she ran faster. It was like she had the speed of lightning. But it wasn't fast enough, for a skilled archer shot an arrow right at my heart. The pain filled my body. I only made one more cry.

     My mother cried while running. The only good news is that she knew where to go. She knew the outlaws wouldn't follow her there, she knew we'd be safe, she knew I could cry once again.

*Arrows Flying

     We were going to the Witch's Den. It was a risky thing to befriend a witch, but my mother would have no trouble with that. She is a witch. That was why we were hiding from the outlaws. They would kill her because she was different. 

     We are now deep in the woods. Outlaws surrounding the exits. The Witch's Den is there. She entered. The witches welcomed her. It was a delightful surprise until they noticed the baby boy in her hands with an arrow at his heart.

     The witches, including my mother, knew what to do. They start the potion. "One dragon bone, five Phenix feathers, three drops of snake venom, and one dragon tongue." The witches dropped the ingredients in the cauldron. They begin the incantation.

     "Let the energy of the sun brighten the life of this child, Let the strength of the earth give life to this boy!" A beam of sunlight shines on the cauldron, vines from the earth wrap around the cauldron. Within a puff of smoke, the stew was ready. My mother grabbed a spoon and scooped a spoonful of the stew. She placed it in my mouth and poured it down my throat.

     I cough.

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