Where's Yoonie

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"How can this place be so packed?! Why were there only parking spots right next to the entrance or a thousand cars away?!" Seokjin huffs as he, Hoseok, and Jimin meet up with the rest at the park entrance. The rest laugh at how angry the eldest honestly is for having to park so far away.

"Next time, we're going to a regular amusement park, Joon. I will veto your pick or never let you pick again. Why? Because fuck nature." Seokjin curses as he walks past. Namjoon quietly chuckles as they all follow the eldest inside.

It had been Namjoon's turn to pick where they have a day out ("Let's call it a date since we are dating.") at and he had chosen to go to a local mountain park. Seokjin and Yoongi were not happy. Especially Yoongi. The second eldest had planned on sleeping wherever they went and sleeping on a bench would not be comfortable.

"Yoongi & Taehyung, stay by me at all times. I don't want either of you wandering off." Seokjin states, pulling the two men to him. Seokjin was tempted to hold their hands but there were too many people around and he didn't want to embarrass them.

Somehow, it's dark when the boys finally leave the park. Seokjin will not admit that he almost filled up his phone storage with pictures of the others. Jimin would admit to filling up his and Taehyung's. Jungkook is carrying Yoongi on his back because the elder started complaining about his feet hurting.

"How did we spend five hours here without realizing? All we did was walk." Seokjin mumbles, resting near Namjoon's car with the rest.

"Because there was a lot to see?" Namjoon offers but Seokjin merely rolls his eyes and starts the trek to his truck. Hoseok follows after him but Jimin looks down at the deer plush in his arms before looking to Yoongi.

"Yoongi hyung, want this?" He asks the elder before he gets into the car. Yoongi nods & Jimin happily hands off the plush before running to Seokjin's truck. Yoongi watches him disappear before finally getting into the car.

As Namjoon is checking to make sure everyone has everything (and that no one needed to pee), Yoongi's staring at the deer plush. The longer he stares, the more a certain feeling swells up inside of him... along with a longing for Papa Min.

"Joonie," Yoongi says loud enough for the man in question to hear him.

"Hm?" Namjoon hums, looking at Yoongi through the rear-view mirror.

"I'm gonna go ride with the other three," Yoongi says, silently asking for permission.

"Okay, be careful."

Yoongi nods before exiting the car, making his way down.

After a minute of walking in the dark, he can now understand why Seokjin was complaining. He hears scratching sounds before something lands on his head and then on the deer plush. Yoongi looks down and locks eyes with a squirrel.

"Hi?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow at the squirrel who cocks his head and starts pawing at Yoongi's shirt pocket.

"Oh. You want my leftover peanuts." The man mutters as he takes the small packet out. The squirrel snatches it out of his hand before jumping down and scurrying into the darkness.

"Well, that happened."

Yoongi continues to the other end only to find Seokjin's truck is gone. He lets out a small whine before turning around and heading back for Namjoon's car.

"What?" Yoongi mutters upon finding Namjoon's car missing too. Yoongi lets out a small whimper as he looks around the... dark... cold... empty... lot.

A small sob escapes him as his eyes water...

"Scawed... Papa Min? Dada Jin?" Suga whimpers, tears streaming down his face.


Seokjin frowns as he's flooded by this feeling, the feeling that something bad has happened. He hurriedly pulls out his phone and calls Namjoon.

"Is something wrong, hyung?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"Are you driving?"

"No, Hoseok's driving. Jimin has fallen asleep already."

"What about Yoongi hyung?"

"What about him? He's there with you... right?"

"No... Oh, shit." The sound of tires squealing is followed by a string of curses.

"Did you– Hoseok turn around now – Did you leave my baby at the park?!"

"He wanted to switch cars because he was starting to feel little. I didn't think to call you 'cause I thought you hadn't left yet."

"Aish! Kim Namjoon!"

Both vehicles speed into the parking lot and the six men practically jump out at the same time.

"Oh, my poor baby." Seokjin mutters, looking around, "Where would you be?"

In the quiet of the parking lot, the men hear (unfortunately familiar) crying and immediately run towards the sound. They find Yoongi curled into a ball on a bench, crying.

"Oh my God, baby. I'm so sorry." Seokjin apologizes as he scoops the crying boy up.

"Dada... Suga scawed." Suga sobs, holding onto Seokjin like he might disappear – and to Suga, he might.

"I know and I'm sorry. We didn't mean to leave you." Seokjin assures the boy and Suga's crying finally slows down.

"Here," Namjoon says, holding out Suga's blanket. No one knows when he grabbed it but it doesn't matter. Suga lets his Joo hyung wrap him up in his blanket before smiling at him.

"Tank chu."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," Namjoon replies, smiling back at him.

"You know what this calls for?" Jimin says, smiling at the little. Suga tilts his head to the side, staring at Papa Min.

"Hot chocolate."

Suga grins and cheers, and the rest of the men coo at him.

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