Finding Koya

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Namjoon misplaces things all the time; it was just part of his clumsy nature. This is why he's very careful where he puts Namu's stuff. Especially Koya.

Both Namjoon and Namu need Koya to sleep. Neither of them sleeps well without the little blue koala; Namu more so than Namjoon. So Namjoon made it his priority to make sure Koya can always be found.

There have been very few incidents where Namjoon thought he lost Koya only to find him ten minutes later under the bed. He's lucky like that.

Well, he thought so, at least.


It's been a hard day at work and after his shower, Namjoon is ready to collapse in his bed. But to his horror and disappointment, Koya isn't where he last remembers seeing his blue friend.

He checks under the bed... no luck.

Inside his closet... no Koya in sight.

He even checks Namu's box of stuff but the little koala isn't in there either.

There's no way he's gonna ask the others about Koya when he's so close to slipping. He can't put Namu in such an exposing situation, so... begrudgingly, the man turns on some calm music, turns off the lights, and climbs into bed.

It doesn't feel right sleeping without Koya but there's nothing else he can do.


'Something's wrong with Namjoon. / What's wrong with Namjoon?'

That's what's on everyone's minds as they observe the white-haired boy.

Today was a day everyone had a day off so they planned to spend it by cuddling each other to death while watching movies in the living room. That was the plan at least but everyone's minds became preoccupied with Namjoon's odd behavior. During the entire morning, Namjoon wouldn't talk to anyone, let anyone touch him, or even look at the others. The others could clearly see that the man was tired but this wasn't typical of his tired behavior. Something was definitely wrong with Namjoon.

"Namjoon-ah, don't you want to come sit with me?" Seokjin calls out, patting the spot next to him. Everyone had bunched up together on the main part of their sectional couch; except Namjoon who decided to sit as far away as possible on one of the stools attached to the couch. The younger flinches but doesn't answer, just keeps his eyes on the TV screen.

Seokjin glances at Yoongi whose expression clearly shows he is not amused by the younger's behavior.

"What is your problem, Kim Namjoon?!" The second oldest exclaims, scaring everyone but especially Namjoon who turns and stares at the second eldest with wide, watery eyes. Watery?

Everyone watches in shock and hurt as the white-haired boy begins to sob at the top of his lungs.

"Namu wan Koya! Nu sweeps wit'out Koya! Make Namu gwumpy and mean! Namu sowwy, hyungies! Nu hate Namu, pwease!" Namu cries, bringing his knees up to his chest so he can hide his face into them to muffle his sobs.

"Koya? Your Koya plushie is in my room, N-Namu." Seokjin says slowly, his mind reeling at the sight of a side of Namjoon he'd never seen before. None of them had, actually. The middle child was quite good at keeping secrets, especially his own.

Namu lifts his head up immediately, sniffling as he turns and looks at Seokjin.

"Jinnie hyungie has Koya? Hyungie gib Koya back, pwease? Namu needs Koya a wot." Namu mumbles, lip jutting out as he pouts at the eldest. Instantly, everyone coos at the boy but Namu pays them no attention as he stares Seokjin down.

"Of course, baby." Seokjin chuckles before standing up from the couch and running to his room, quickly coming back with the little koala in question. Namu cheers as he makes grabby hands for the plushie, hugging it to his chest when Seokjin gives it to him.

"Tank chu, hyungie!" Namu exclaims before pausing. The little sniffs the plushie before looking back at Seokjin with wide eyes, "Koya smells gud! Wike peaches!"

Seokjin laughs before smiling at the little.

"It's because Koya got caught up in your blanket and got washed. Be careful next time, baby." Seokjin chuckles, motioning for the boy to come sit next to him. Namu does just that, snuggling up to his hyung before realizing something.

"Nu, dis hyungie fault. Hyungie didn't check Namu's blanket." The little huffs, narrowing his eyes at the oldest when he laughs.

"You're right, baby. It is my fault. But hey, now Koya smells nice, yeah?"

Namu hums at that, burying his face into Koya's back. Koya really does smell nice...

It's only a matter of seconds before Namu's out like a light, surprising Seokjin as he slumps over into his lap.

"He's so cute." Hoseok coos, brushing hair out of the white-haired boy's face.

"He's a little," Taehyung mumbles, eyes staring down at his phone.

"A little?" Jimin inquires and Taehyung passes his phone to the red-haired boy. It is then passed around to everyone else until it circulates back to Taehyung.

"Well, it goes without saying we're his caregivers now, right?" Yoongi says and he earns nods from everyone else.





"Yoongi hyung, you cannot buy all that without knowing what he likes!"

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