What was I thinking

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Kageyama awoke, he rubbed his eyes and yawned as he felt something small cling onto his waist. He looked down to see a tangerine who mindlessly clung onto him. He was quivering, shaking. Kageyama could tell he was having a nightmare. Kageyama shook the smaller boy to where he started opening his eyes.

Hinata looked up at the setter and let go of his waist panicking. "Omg I'm so sorry Kags" Hinata leapt away from him and hugged his pillow tightly. "I Didn't meant to"

Kageyama started laughing at how worried the poor boy was. "Boke it's okay" this made Hinata sigh in relief. "Hey Hinata don't we have early morning practice" Kageyama said.

"Oh yeah I completely forgot. We should probably go"

And with that Kageyama and Hinata hurriedly grabbed their stuff and sprinted out the door the pair sprinting all the way to school having their daily early morning race. By the time they got to the gym door they were both panting falling to the ground out of breath. Their classmates just stared at them laughing at how predictable they were. Tsukishima walked up to Kageyama and Hinata. "Did you two sprint all the way to school again" Tsukishima chucked.

A couple of Hinata's and Kageyama's classmate came in through the door with a smug expression. "Hey Kageyama are the rumours true?" Said one of the boys. "Is it true that you were abandoned by your old classmates in middle school. . .How Pathetic" The boy started walking towards Kageyama and he looked like he was about to punch him as he cracked his knuckled. Kageyama stood up as his hand started shaking violently to where Tsukishima noticed and reached towards his hand and grasped it. Which made Kageyama's heart do a backflip. As the boy walked closer to them Tsukishina notcied how Kageyama's eyes had started watering as he started hyperventilating. Tsukishima knew he had to do something and stood in front of the setter his arms out open wide.

"Look if you want to say or do anything to Kageyama you'll have to go through me" Tsukishima retorted. Kageyama's heart couldn't handle it. His face blushed like crazy. In that moment he forgot all about the day before and how Tsukishina had asked out Yamaguchi because in that moment his heart was was leaping out his chest. He couldn't think of anyone else that would've done that for him. He wanted to run up to Tsukishima and passionately kiss him on the lips and say 'I love you' but he knew that could never happen.

The two boys from Kageyama's class had walked out cursing under their breaths in resentment. They had given in once they saw the whole Volleyball gym members stare intimidatingly at them. Tsukishima turned around to face Kageyama grinning to him to where Kageyama was about to respond with a smile back but before he could Yamaguchi had made his way over to Tsukishima and whispered something in his ear quiet enough for nobody else to hear. Kageyama's eyes started watering but he held it in as he felt like that precious moment got ripped away from him. He swallowed but it didn't feel right.

Kageyama could feel his air ways tighten up as he clutched his throat. It didn't feel as bad as last time so he ignored it. While he stood their in front of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima in the gym he could feel his airways start to burn within. As he started coughing. But since it was just a cough nobody thought anything of it. Although something was off once again like that time in the study session at Tsukishima's house. His coughing became more frequent and his breathing gradually became more slow and heavy.

He couldn't breath. This was different to the time at the study session since last time he could actually breath. His face started to turn reddish purple as he fell to the floor grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. Since he was in the gym for Volleyball practice the entire Volleyball club players, managers and coach were all there. They all ran over to him as he collapsed. As kiyoko ran over to him she hand gestured everyone to back off since she knew the cause was Tsukishima she predicted if Tsukishima backed off the symptoms would ease. Which it did.

After a moment Kageyama started to regain his senses as he stood up. He looked around the gym and saw everyone gasping looking at him. Daichi clapped his hands twice and ordered everyone to just go get changed for school trying to move everyone out the gym to give Kageyama some space which he was thankful for. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Hinata walked back over to Kageyama. "Hey Kageyama what was that just now?" Kageyama looked into Tsukishima's worried eyes. Kageyama hated to see Tsukishima so worried about anything especially if it was all his fault. Flashbacks of his team in middle school abandoning him filled his mind. Then the moment when Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi out to the flashbacks and memories of him collapsing fill his mind overwhelming him. He didn't understand why all the painful memories were coming back now of all times.

His felt like screaming as the memories overlapped each other fighting for attention. Until it became overbearing as tears flooded none stop from Kageyama's eyes. He didn't even try to stop the flow pouring down his cheeks. Tsukishima held his hand to him mouth with a sad expression on his face looking at him. Kageyama felt so bad. It was his fault Tsukishima looked sad. It was his fault for worrying everyone. 'Everything was my fault' kept replaying in the poor boys mind on repeat.

Tsukishima took a few steps toward Kageyama and held his arms out wide attempting to hold and comfort Kageyama. But Kageyama repetitively shook his head backing away. "Kags lemme do this let me comfort you" Tsukishima said desperately.

"No you have a boyfriend (Kageyama pointed at Yamaguchi) go comfort him. I heard you in the locker room yesterday I know everything" Kageyama's tears turned into sobs as he curled on the ground sobbing loudly. Kaqgeyama got up once again and stated one last time "I can't believe I actually thought we could be together . . . you're not even single, what was I thinking." Before Tsukishima could reply back he ran off.

Tsukishima turned to face Yamaguchi "What have I done, he thought I was actually asking you out" Tsukishima couldn't believe Kageyama had heard his practice confession. "Now he believes I've loved you all along instead of him. . .Yamaguchi what do I do now?"

Tsukikage- Hanahaki story- I'm here now (Haikyu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now