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"Time it's okay really." I tried to tell him as he wrapped some bandages around my arm. He already got my leg.

"No it's not. This is a really bad wound and you lost a lot of blood." Time says as he finishes. I sighed and grabbed my chicken onesie from under the bed.

"Can you at least let me change?" I asked. Time helped me dry off, but my shirt and jeans were still covered in a lot of my and the Guardian's blood. More his than mine.

"Sure. I'll stand outside." Time says he walks outside even though the storm was still going. I wanted to stop him, but he was already outside. I sighed and changed into my chicken onesie. It felt a lot better than the wet clothes I was just wearing. I folded them and put them under the bed. I'll clean and sew them back together tomorrow. I got up slowly hissing in pain from my leg. I opened the door to see Time still waiting for me.

"I'm done. Come back in before you get sick." I tell Time. Time comes back in and supports me again.

"You could have just called my name." Time says as he helped get the pressure off my leg.

"I know... but I want to check on the Guardian... make sure he is okay..."

"Are you sure? It's better if you rest for now."

"No. I need to see him. I can also tell everyone what happened...." I say feeling a little dizzy.

"Sabre. You can tell us in the morning, okay?" Time insisted. I sigh and nod. He helps me get back to bed and I lay down. He puts a blanket over me.

"Sleep well." Time tells me.

"Okay..." I mumbled and closed my eyes. I heard Time leave the house before falling asleep.

Time's point of view
I walked through the storm to the Overseer's house. That's where everyone is. The Green Steves who came to help already left. They spent a lot of their energy to help the Guardian. I knocked on the door then walked inside, closing the door behind me.

"Time!" Galaxy said and hugged me tightly. I hugged back.

"Is Sabre okay?" Illusion asked me.

"Yeah... I got him to sleep... " I say. Galaxy and Illusion are the only ones here. That's probably for the better, I guess The Overseer is in a different room with the Guardian.

"That's good. This is Sabre's right?" Galaxy said as he handed me a mulberry dyed hoodie.

"Sabre has a white hoodie." I say in a bit of confusion.

"That's the Guardian's blood. Sabre used it as a bandage for him. Probably the only reason he is still alive. Rather than Sabre finding him and getting him here so fast." Galaxy said. I flinched and put the hoodie to the side. I'll clean it up for him later.

"Did he tell you what happened?" Illusion asked me.

"No. He wanted to tell everyone, but he needs to rest. He can tell us in the morning." I tell both of them, The Overseer comes into the same room as us. He was covered in some of the Guardian's blood on his hands.

"How is he?" Galaxy asked the Overseer.

"Better... The Green steve's managed to stop the bleeding and slightly heal the wounds, but couldn't do much else. They will try to do more healing for him later."

"Good, any idea what happened?" I asked.

"No, but whatever it is, it isn't good. We will have to wait for him to wake up before anything else." The Overseer said washing off his hands.

"I already got Sabre help. I forced him to go to sleep before he could tell me anything. He needs to rest and his leg looks really bad." I told him. He nods and sits down.

"Does anyone else know?" Galaxy asked.

"No. Just the few green steves who came to help, us, and Sabre." The Overseer sighed as he looked back at the door. Probably the room the Guardian is in.

"I will make sure whoever did this will pay. We will have to keep our guard up just in case." Illusion added as he looked outside. The storm seemed to be settling down.

"If only we could see what happened..." Overseer said. That gave me an idea. I looked at my hand.

"Maybe we can. I have only done this once, but it could help." I say as I focus on storing my energy into my hands.

"What do you mean?" Galaxy asked.

"I'll show you." I took us back in time focusing on where Sabre might have been during the fight. I found the spot and speed time back. Once I knew Sabre was theri I let the energy go so we could see what happened.

"You can go back in time?!" The Overseer said both in panic and surprise. I nod and put a finger above my mouth. He went quiet and we watched.

Sabre was carrying the Guardian when a strange mostly yellow and black steve appeared. They both got into a vicious fight and we watched. Sabre's fighting skill seemed even better than when Plague Steve attacked us. Like he was holding back before. He definitely wasn't now. We saw how the fight went and I put all of us back to our time when Sabre walked back to the Guardian.

"How is Nightmare Steve back?" The Overseer said. We looked at him.

"Who?" Illusion asked.

"A Steve that should be dead. He was a nuisance especially to Rainbow Steve." Hey says. If Rainbow Steve was dealing with him, Sabre must have too. I looked outside to see the storm had calmed down.

"I'm going to bed. I used a bit of my energy to let us see that." Galaxy nods understanding. I waved goodbye and went back to the house. I went inside and saw Sabre was still asleep. I was glad. I got to my bed and pushed it next to Sabre's bed and layed down next to him. Just in case if Nightmare Steve comes after him I can be a bit of a barrier to protect. I'm not lying here for anything else... The storm faded more as I tried to fall asleep, once the storm was nothing, but heavy rain I fell asleep.

A Red Steve watched them through the window then dissapeared.
(Words 1073)

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