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The tree hummed with life, an electric field that lit up the bark from within. Thousands of tiny lights fluttered about, while the birds sang and the wind hummed. I stepped back wondering what world mystery I had stumbled into. I watched silently, afraid to disturb the magical atmosphere. The sun was beginning to set colors bleeding across the faded blue of the worn out sky.

It happened then, a tiny light one I had watched flutter about settled gently in my palm. The light faded leaving behind a little girl with long red flowing hair and bioluminescent skin. She was dressed in bluebells, and a bell-like sound was emanating from her as she flew around me tugging at my hair and pulling lightly at my clothing.

"Johnny.. Hey Johnny.." I opened my eyes, the majestic tree still towered above me, its branches reaching for the sky but the light had either faded or it had never been there to begin with. The light had all but disappeared from the sky leaving just a violet afterglow to tint the star studded sky-


"I'm coming Muthr, I'm coming.." Was it all just a dream? I guess I'll never know for sure. I sigh as I follow Muthr down the familiar path home.

A tiny Bluebell lays unnoticed at the bottom of his jean pocket.

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