Trials of Body and Mind

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This year's fall harvest has officially begun with the lighting of the first lantern, the flame dances within the shallow lamp leaping up then flickering out just to soar skyward at the last moment possible. Fire is a beautiful and dangerous thing, but here we worship it. We believe that to master the elements is to master oneself. Our traditions dictate that you must master-

Water- Calm Fire- Anger Air- Thought Earth- Body

To be truly successful. I've practiced my whole life for this moment, the motions to each of the sets I had memorized flowed like water in a stream, from my mind to my mussels. I'm as ready as I will ever be. I hear my name being called, the echoes of the cheers from outside. Well here goes nothing I muttered to myself, as I stepped through those doors and walked into my future.

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